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GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX Namespace

Public classAGG_LAYER_ZONEConstant
Aggregate Layer Zone defines
Public classAGG_MODELConstant
Aggregation color model defines
Public classAGG_RENDERConstant
Aggregation rendering modes
Public classARC_LICENSEConstant
ArcGIS platform types
Public classARROW_ALIGNMENTConstant
Direction of alignment
Public classATTRIBUTE_DATA_TYPEConstant
Data Type of Attribute
Public classATTRIBUTE_TYPEConstant
Data Type of Attribute
Public classBARCHART_LABELConstant
Place to draw bar labels
Public classBF_BYTEORDERConstant
Byte order for read/write
Public classBF_CLOSEConstant
Close Flags
Public classBF_ENCODEConstant
The way a string is encoded
Public classBF_OPEN_MODEConstant
Open Status
Public classBF_SEEKConstant
Seek Location
Which variables to return from sReadBlockModelVariableInfo
Public classC3DC
This is a 3D container class which facilitates rendering a 3D viewport to controls. To be used in tandem with the Geosoft.View3D.View class present in geoengine.3dv.csharp. Creation of the 3D container is facilitated through Create_3DC, and disposal through the instance method Destroy_3DC.
Public classC3DN
This class manages the rendering of a 3D view. It allows the positioning of the camera, specification of the zoom as well as some rendering controls for the axis. It is directly related to the MVIEW class.
Public classC3DV
Public classCAGG
The AGG class is used to handle image display on maps. An aggregate contains one or more image layers (LAY) with each layer representing a grid or image file. The AGG will combine all the layers to form one image
Public classCBF
The BF class is used to access (or create) Binary files and remove (or destroy) files from use. You can also perform a variety of additional tasks, such as positioning within files, reading from files and writing to files.
Public classCCSYMB
This class is used for generating and modifying colored symbol objects. Symbol fills are assigned colors based on their Z values and a zone, Aggregate or ITR file which defines what colors are associated with different ranges of Z values. The position of a symbol is defined by its X,Y coordinates.
Public classCCSYMB3D
This class is used for generating and modifying 3D colored symbol objects. Symbols are assigned colors based on their Z values and a zone, Aggregate or ITR file which defines what colors are associated with different ranges of Z values. The position of a symbol is defined by its X,Y,Z coordinates.
Public classCDAT
The DAT object is used to access data from an variety of data sources using the same access functions. The DAT interface supports data access on a point-by-point, of line-by-line basis. For example, the Run_BIGRID function uses 2 DAT objects - one DAT associated with the input data source, which is read line-by-line, and a second associated with the output grid file output grid file. Use a specific DAT creation method for an associated information source in order to make a DAT as required by a specific processing function. The gridding methods all use DATs.
Public classCDATALINKD
DATALINK Display object.
Public classCDATAMINE
DATAMINE functions provide an interface to Datamine Software Limited files. See also GIS for various other Datamine-specific functions.
Public classCDB
The DB class is used to create, open and work with databases and database symbols. Database symbols are objects inside databases, such as lines, channels and blobs
Public classCDBREAD
The DBREAD class is used to open and read from databases. Very large lines are split into blocks and served up sequentially to prevent the over-use of virtual memory when channels are read into VVs or VAs. Individual data blocks are limited by default to 1 MB (which is user-alterable). Single lines smaller than the block size are served up whole, one block per line.
Public classCDBWRITE
The DBWRITE class is used to open and write to databases. Large blocks of data are split into blocks and served up sequentially to prevent the over-use of virtual memory when VVs or VAs are being written to channels. Individual data blocks are limited by default to 1 MB (which is user-alterable). Data less than the block size are served up whole, one block per line.
Public classCDSEL
The DSEL object is used to select subsets of data from the DATA object
Public classCE3DV
Methods to manipulate an active 3D View
Public classCERROR
Public classCEXT
External (plug-in) image methods.
Public classCGEOSTRING
The GEOSTRING class is used to read information stored in Geostring files (*.geosoft_string). Geosoft geostrings are 3D vector files that store digitized interpretations drawn on section maps. Both polygon and polyline features can be stored in the same file. This API currently only provides read access, but read/write support could be added in the future.
Public classCGIS
The GIS class is used for the import, export, and interrogation of GIS Data stored in external formats, such as MapInfo® TAB files.
Public classCGRID3D
High Performance 3D Grid.
Public classCode exampleCGXAttribute
Marks this function as callable from Oasis Montaj.
Public classCGXNETCore
Public classCHANDLE
default summary
Public classCHGD
High Performance Grid. Designed to place grid data on a DAP server. It produces a multi-resolution compressed object that supports multi-threading and allows for high-speed extraction of data at any resolution.
Public classCHXYZ
High Performance Data Point Storage. This is used to put Point data on a DAP server. It is compressed and uses a Quad-Tree design to allow very high speed data extraction. It is also multi-threaded.
Public classCIGRF
International Geomagnetic Reference Field Methods to work with IGRF objects. The IGRF object contains data for the IGRF model of the geomagnetic reference field.
Public classCIMG
The IMG class performs read and write operations on grid file data. When efficient access along both rows and columns is desired the PG class is recommended (see PG and PGU); the IMG is first created, then the PG is obtained from the IMG using GetPG_IMG.
Public classCIMU
Not a class. This is a catch-all group of functions working on IMG objects (see IMG). Grid operations include masking, trending, windowing, expanding and grid stitching.
Public classCIPJ
The IPJ class describes a single spatial reference in the world, defined under a coordinate system, an orientation, and a warp (which can be used to distort the projected object to a particular shape or boundary).
Public classCITR
The ITR class provides access to ITR files. An ITR file maps ranges of values to specific colors. The ITR object is typically used in conjunction with MVIEW objects (see MVIEW and MVU).
Public classCKML
KML functions provide an interface KML (Keyhole markup language) files.
Public classCLAYOUT
Layout class for generic relative layout calculation The relative layout algorithm allows a logical organization of layout rectangles. You can set constraints with English-like semantics. For example: "Set the left side of rectangle 1 equal to the right side of rectangle 2 plus 10 pixels." "Set the bottom of rectangle 1 to 25 percent of the height of rectangle 2." "Move node 1 such that its bottom is equal to the top of rectangle 2 minus 10 pixels." The last constraint set would enjoy priority over any others as it would be the last one that would influence the rectangle calculations. See the notes for iSetConstraint for more details.
Public classCLL2
local datum lookup creator ll2 methods are used to create LL2 objects. LL2 objects contain latitude, longitude correction lookup tables to convert between datums.
Public classCLPT
This class allows access to the current default line patterns. It does not allow the definition of individual patterns. It is is used primarily with MAP class functions.
Public classCLST
The LST class is used to create and retrieve lists, and to perform specific actions on lists, including retrieving list items, sorting lists and adding or removing list items.
Public classCLTB
An LTB object is typically created from a CSV (comma-separated values) file, and is a table of information that may be accessed by row or column. The LTB class is recommended for use with small tables produced from short lists (of the order of 1000's or records) such as the different geographic projections and their defining parameters. Large tables, such as those required for table-lookup functions, should be accessed using the TB class.
Public classCMAP
MAPs are containers for MVIEW objects. A view is a 3-D translation and a clip window on a map. Graphic entities can be drawn in an MVIEW. It is recommended that the MAP class be instantiated by first creating an EMAP object and calling the Lock_EMAP function. (See the explanation on the distinction between the MAP and EMAP classes).
Public classCMAPL
The MAPL class is the interface with the MAPPLOT program, which reads a MAPPLOT control file and plots graphical entities to a map. The MAPL object is created for a given control file, then passed to the MAPPLOT program, along with the target MAP object on which to do the drawing
A MAPTEMPLATE wraps and provides manipulation and usage for the XML content in map template files. See the annotated schema file maptemplate.xsd in the <GEOSOFT>\maptemplate folder and the accompanying documentation in that folder for documentation on the file format.
Public classCMATH
This is not a class. This is a collection of standard mathematical functions, including most of the common logarithmic and geometric functions.
Public classCMESH
High Performance Surface API.
Public classCMESHUTIL
Mesh utility methods.
Public classCMETA
A META object contains hierarchical organized metadata of any type, including other objects. META information is organized in an XML-like structure based on a data schema that describes the data hierarchy. META objects are used by many entities that need to store metadata specific to the entities or to the application. Metadata can be saved in databases and maps, as well as in channels, lines, views and groups. Oasis montaj objects can be queried for their associated metadata, and if it exists, the metadata can be retrieved and utilized by other Oasis montaj processes.
Public classCMPLY
The MPLY object contains the definitions for one or more PPLY.
Public classCMULTIGRID3D
High Performance 3D Grid.
High Performance 3D Grid.
Public classCMVIEW
A view (MVIEW class) has a 2-D/3-D translation matrix, a map projection and a clip region. A view contains any number of "groups", and each "group" contains one or more graphics elements (entities). Different types of groups will contain different types of entities:
Public classCMVU
A catchall library for methods using the MAP and MVIEW classes. These include drawing flight paths, legends, postings, and special objects such as histograms and bar charts.
Public classCMXD
A MXD wraps and provides manipulation and usage for the content of an ArcGIS MXD file.
Public classCOLORBAR_LABELConstant
Label text orientation
Public classCOLORBAR_STYLEConstant
Label text orientation
Public classConstant
Global constants
Public classCPAT
A PAT object is created from a Geosoft format pattern file. It contains all the individual patterns listed in the file. Notes: You may create your own fill patterns. They can be added to the "user.pat" file in the <geosoft>\user\etc directory. User pattern numbers should be in the range between 20000 and 29999.
Public classCPG
Pager methods for large 2-D arrays This class handles very-large 2-D arrays in which efficient access is required along both rows and columns.
Public classCPJ
The PJ object is created from two IPJ objects, and is used for converting data in an OASIS database or map object from one map coordinate (projection) system to another.
Public classCPLY
The PLY object contains the definitions for one or more polygons, and does import and export of polygon files.
Public classCRA
The RA class is used to access ASCII files sequentially or by line number. The files are opened in read-only mode, so no write operations are defined
Public classCRC_INIT_VALUEConstant
Initial value for starting a CRC
Public classCREG
The REG class is used for storing and retrieving named variables. Many classes contain REG objects for storing information particular to the class. The META class supersedes the REG class and is gradually replacing the use of the REG class in newer applications.
Public classCSBF
The SBF class provides a means of storing data in a file-type directory structure within a workspace, database or map. Each of these three objects contains its own SBF object, which may be accessed using the hGetSYS_SBF, hGetDB_SBF and hGetMAP_SBF functions. To access data in a file, or create a new file in the SBF object, call the CreatSBF_BF function (see BF), which will return a BF object to use.
Convert 3D SEG Y files to voxel or database.
Public classCST
Mono-variate statistics. The ST class is used to accumulate statistical information about a set of data. This class is usually used in conjunction with others. For instance, Stat_DU (see DU) will add a channel's data to the ST object, and sComputeST_IMG (see IMG) will compute statistics for a grid.
Public classCST2
Bi-variate statistics. The ST2 class accumulates statistics on two data vectors simultaneously in order to compute correlation information. Statistics are accumulated using the DataVV_ST2 function. See also ST (mono-variate statistics).
Project Storage.
Public classCSTR
This library is not a class. Use the STR library functions to work with and manipulate string variables. Since the GX Programming Language does not provide string literal tokens, you must use these functions for any string operations you want to perform.
Public classCSURFACE
The SURFACE class allows you to create, read and alter Geosurface files (*.geosoft_surface). A Geosurface file can contain one or more surface items (see SURFACEITEM class). In turn each item can contains one or more triangular polyhedral meshes.
The SURFACEITEM allows you to create, read and alter Geosurface files (*.geosoft_surface). A Geosurface file can contain one or more surface items (see SURFACE class). A surface item can contains one or more triangular polyhedral meshes.
Public classCSYMB_COLORConstant
Color Symbol filling defines
Public classCSYMB3D_SYMBOLConstant
Color Symbol Type defines
Public classCSYS
The SYS library functions perform a wide range functions, including the storage and retrieval of named parameters from the current workspace; writing messages to the user; display of progress bars; retrieving file, date and time information from the operating system; and providing warning and error handling functions.
Public classCTB
The TB class is a high-performance table class used to perform table-based processing, such as leveling data in an OASIS database. The LTB class is recommended for use with small tables produced from short lists such as the different geographic projections and their defining parameters.
Public classCTPAT
The full name of the pattern. ex: "felsic volcanics" Code: Short-form of the pattern description. This is the value which typically appears (for instance) in the "Rock code" channel in a Wholeplot From-To data group. ex: "FVOL" The code is CASE-SENSITIVE. Label: Text to use as a short-form in labels, graphs etc. By default, this is the same as the code. ex: "FVol." Pattern Attributes: (See DEFAULT.PAT in \src\etc for more inforation) Pattern: The Pattern Index; defined in DEFAULT.PAT, or in the user's USER.PAT file. If not specified, defaults to 0 (solid fill). Size: The pattern tile size. If not specified, defaults to 2.0mm. Density: The tiling density. If not specified, defaults to 1.0. Thickness: The line thickness in the tile, expressed as a integer percentage (0-100) of the tile size. Color: The pattern line work color. If not specified, defaults to black. Background color: The pattern background color. If not specified, defaults to transparent (C_ANY_NONE) Symbols: Symbol Font The name of the symbol font to use for a given symbol index Symbol Number Index into the font. Symbol Rotation: Rotation in degrees CCW. Symbol Scaling Additional scale factor to apply to symbol size (Default 1.0)
Public classCTR
The TR object contains trend information about a grid or grid pager. Currently, it is used only in conjunction with the GetTR_IMG, SetTR_IMG, and Trend_PGU functions.
Public classCUSERMETA
The USERMETA class handles user style metadata tied to real data.
Public classCVA
The VA class is the 2-Dimensional analogue to the VV class. When displayed in a database, VA objects are displayed graphically as profiles, one to a cell, and can also be displayed one column of data at a time by specifying an index; e.g. CH[0]. A VA object is declared with a fixed number of columns, which cannot be altered. The number of rows, however can be changed, in the same way that the length of a VV can be changed. Data can be added or extracted using VVs, either by row or column. A VA is used to store an array of data in which each element may have multiple elements. For example, 256-channel radiometric data can be stored in a VA that is 256 elements wide.
Public classCVECTOR3D
VECTOR3D Display object.
Public classCVM
In-memory vector data methods The VM class will store vector (array) data in a memory buffer which can be accessed using the VM methods. The main use for the VM class is to store data in a single physical memory location. This memory can then be accessed by a user DLL using the GetPtrVM_GEO function defined in gx_extern.h. VM memory can be any size, but a VM is intended for handling relatively small sets of data compared to a VV, which can work efficiently with very large volumes of data. The acceptable maximum VM size depends on the operating system and the performance requirements of an application. The best performance is achieved when all VM memory can be stored comfortably within the the available system RAM. If all VM memory will not fit in the system RAM, the operating system virtual memory manager will be used to swap memory to the operations systems virtual memory paging file. Note that the operating system virtual memory manager is much slower than the manager used by Geosoft when working with very large arrays in a VV. See VV for methods to move data between a VM and a VV.
Public classCVOX
High Performance 3D Grid. Designed for accessing 3D grids quickly using slices. It designed arround non-uniform multi-resolution compressed storage. To sample a voxel at specific locations, use VOXE.
Public classCVOXD
VOX Display object.
Public classCVOXE
VOX evaluator class. Used to sample values from the voxel.
Public classCVULCAN
The VULCAN class is used for importing Maptek® Vulcan block and triangulation files.
Public classCVV
The VV class stores very long vector (array) data (such as channel data from an OASIS database) in memory and performs specific actions on the data. This set of functions is similar to the VM functions except that you cannot access data directly and therefore you cannot use a VV to pass data to an external (non-Geosoft) Dynamic Link Library (DLL) object function. If you want to pass data to a DLL, you must move a subset of the data stored in memory to a small vector object and then use the GetPtrVM_GEO function to pass a pointer to the data on to the external function. See VVU for more utility methods.
Public classCWA
The WA class enables you to access and write data to ASCII files.
Public classDAT_FILE_FORMConstant
Type of form
Public classDAT_FILEConstant
Type of grid
Public classDAT_XGDConstant
DAT Open modes
Public classDATE_FORMATConstant
Old Date formats
Public classDB_ACTIVITY_BLOBConstant
Activity Blob
Public classDB_ARRAY_BASETYPEConstant
Array channel base coordinate type
Public classDB_CATEGORY_BLOBConstant
Blob Categories
Public classDB_CATEGORY_CHANConstant
Channel Categories For STRING type channels, use negative integers to specify channel width. For example, use -10 to define a string channel with up to 10 characters. Use the GS_SIMPLE_TYPE() macro to convert to INT,REAL or string.
Public classDB_CATEGORY_LINEConstant
Line Categories
Public classDB_CATEGORY_USERConstant
User Categories
Public classDB_CHAN_FORMATConstant
Channel formats
Public classDB_CHAN_PROTECTIONConstant
Channel Read-only Protection Status
Public classDB_CHAN_SYMBOLConstant
Channel symbol for special channels
Public classDB_COMPConstant
Supported compression levels
Public classDB_COORDPAIRConstant
Used to indicate the matching coordinate pair of a channel.
Public classDB_GROUP_CLASS_SIZEConstant
Class name max size
Public classDB_INFOConstant
Integer Database Information
Public classDB_LINE_LABEL_FORMATConstant
Line Label Formats
Public classDB_LINE_SELECTConstant
Select modes
Public classDB_LINE_TYPEConstant
Line types
Public classDB_LOCKConstant
Lock Modes
Public classDB_NAMEConstant
Get Database file names
Public classDB_NULLConstant
Database Null
Public classDB_OWNConstant
Symbol Ownership
Public classDB_SYMB_NAME_SIZEConstant
Size of Symbol Names
Public classDB_SYMB_TYPEConstant
Symbol types
Public classDB_WAITConstant
Wait Times
Public classDIRECTION3DConstant
Direction in 3D
Public classDSEL_PICTURE_QUALITYConstant
Line Label Formats
Public classDUPMAPConstant
Duplicate Modes
Public classEMLAY_GEOMETRYConstant
Type of Geometry
Public classFILE_EXTConstant
Extension option
Public classFILTER3DConstant
Voxel filter type
Public classGEO_BOOLConstant
Boolean values
Public classGEO_DIRECTORYConstant
Geosoft directory defines
Public classGEO_DUMMYConstant
Special numbers indicating NULLL
Public classGEO_FULL_LIMITSConstant
Data ranges of all Geosoft types
Public classGEO_LIMITSConstant
Data ranges of numbers
Public classGEO_STRING_SIZEConstant
Default string sized for different uses GX's must use these unless there is a very good reason not to. The path strings here are generally larger than what is possible in the OS, but it is defined as such for Unicode conversion reasons.
Public classGEO_VARConstant
Variable types. Use -X for strings of X length
Public classGEO3DV_OPENConstant
Open Modes
Public classGEOSTRING_OPENConstant
Open Modes
Public classGIS_DMTYPEConstant
Datamine file types
Public classGIS_MAP2DConstant
View type to create
Public classGIS_TYPEConstant
Type of file
Public classGOCAD_ORIENTATIONConstant
GOCAD Orientations
Public classGRID3D_TYPEConstant
Type of Voxset
Public classGS_FORMATSConstant
Special use data types. String are indicated by a negative maximum string length (including NULL).
Public classGS_TYPESConstant
Special use data types. String are indicated by a negative maximum string length (including NULL).
Public classH_META_INVALID_TOKENConstant
META Invalid Token
Public classIMG_DISPLAY_PROPERTYConstant
Image display property
Public classIMG_FAULTConstant
Fault type
Public classIMG_FILEConstant
Image open modes
Public classIMG_NULLConstant
Image Null
Public classIMG_QUERYConstant
Information to Query
Public classIMG_RELOCATEConstant
Relocation Style
Public classIMU_BOOL_OLAPConstant
Overlapping area option
Public classIMU_BOOL_OPTConstant
Boolean logic option
Public classIMU_BOOL_SIZINGConstant
Sizing option
Public classIMU_DOUBLE_CRC_BITSConstant
Bits to use in double CRC's
Public classIMU_EXPAND_SHAPEConstant
Shape of output grid
Public classIMU_FILL_ROLLOPTConstant
Defines for Grid Filling Method Options
Public classIMU_FILT_DUMMYConstant
Settings for placing dummy values in grid if any of filter values are dummy
Public classIMU_FILT_FILEConstant
Flags which indicate if a file is to be used to read the filter values
Public classIMU_FILT_HZDRVConstant
Flags which indicate which type of horizontal derivative is being applied (X direction, Y direction, none at all)
Public classIMU_FLOAT_CRC_BITSConstant
Bits to use in float CRC's
Public classIMU_MASKConstant
Defined options for masking grids
Public classIMU_STAT_FORCEDConstant
Defined options for forcing recalculating the grid values
Public classIMU_TRANSConstant
Transpose Options available for GridTrns_IMU implies original grid lines:
Public classIMU_TRENDConstant
Points in grid to use
Public classIMU_WIND_COORDConstant
Output grid coordinate units
Public classIMU_WIND_DUMMIESConstant
Option for handling out-of-range Z values
Public classIMU_XYZ_INDEXConstant
Flags whether to use grid index numbers as station numbers.
Public classIMU_XYZ_LABELConstant
XYZ Label Flags
Public classIPJ_3D_FLAGConstant
3D Flags
Public classIPJ_3D_ROTATEConstant
3D Rotation Mode
Public classIPJ_CSPConstant
Projection Setting
Public classIPJ_NAMEConstant
Project Name
Public classIPJ_ORIENTConstant
Projection Orientation
Public classIPJ_PARM_LSTConstant
Projection List
Public classIPJ_TYPEConstant
IPJ Types
Public classIPJ_UNITConstant
Projection Unit Type
Public classIPJ_WARPConstant
Warp (Transformation) type
Public classITR_COLOR_MODELConstant
ITR Color Model defines
Public classITR_NULLConstant
Null ITR object
Public classITR_POWERConstant
Power Zoning defines
Public classITR_ZONE_MODELConstant
ITR Zone Model defines
Public classITR_ZONEConstant
Zoning Methods
Public classKML_ALTConstant
KML Altitude values.
Public classLAYOUT_CONSTRConstant
Layout constraint specifiers
Public classLST_ITEMConstant
LST data access
Public classLTB_CASEConstant
Case handling of LTB strings
Public classLTB_CONLSTConstant
Matching types
Public classLTB_DELIMConstant
Types of LTB Delimiters
Public classLTB_TYPEConstant
Types of LTB Headers
Public classMAKERConstant
Maker defines
Public classMAP_EXPORT_BITSConstant
Color Types
Public classMAP_EXPORT_FORMATConstant
Export Formats Format Description Type ======= ========================== ====
Public classMAP_EXPORT_METHODConstant
Dithering Methods
Export Raster Formats . Format Description Type B/W B/W COL B/W COL COL ======= ========================== =========== === === === === === ===
Public classMAP_LIST_MODEConstant
Map List modes
Public classMAP_OPENConstant
Open Modes
Public classMAPTEMPLATE_OPENConstant
Open Modes
Public classMETA_CORE_ATTRIBConstant
META Core Attributes
Public classMETA_CORE_CLASSConstant
Meta Core Class Objects
Public classMETA_CORE_TYPEConstant
META Core Data Types
How to calculate the cell values for direct gridding.
Public classMVIEW_3D_RENDERConstant
3D Geometry rendering defines. These flags only affect mixed geometry groups and not the data specific groups (e.g. voxels, vector voxels surfaces etc.). Each of those groups has predefined optimum behaviour and any changes to these flags are ignored.
Public classMVIEW_CLIPConstant
Boolean clipping defines
Public classMVIEW_COLORConstant
24-bit color defines The iColor_MVIEW function can be used to create a color int from a color string description. The iColorXXX_MVIEW macros can be used to create colors from component intensities.
Public classMVIEW_CYLINDER3DConstant
What parts of the cylinder are closed
Public classMVIEW_DRAWConstant
Polygon drawing defines
Public classMVIEW_DRAWOBJ3D_ENTITYConstant
What types of entities to draw
Public classMVIEW_DRAWOBJ3D_MODEConstant
What types of entities to draw
Public classMVIEW_EXTENT_UNITConstant
Types of units for extents (these map to the <define>MVIEW_UNIT</define> defines directly)
Public classMVIEW_EXTENTConstant
Types of extents defines
Public classMVIEW_FITConstant
Fit area defines
Public classMVIEW_FONT_WEIGHTConstant
Font weight defines
Public classMVIEW_GRIDConstant
Grid Drawing defines
Public classMVIEW_GROUP_LISTConstant
What groups to list
Public classMVIEW_GROUPConstant
Open Group defines
Public classMVIEW_HIDEConstant
Boolean hidding defines
Public classMVIEW_ISConstant
Defines for mview types
Public classMVIEW_LABEL_BOUNDConstant
Label Binding Defines
Public classMVIEW_LABEL_JUSTConstant
Label Justification Defines
Public classMVIEW_LABEL_ORIENTConstant
Label Orientation Defines
Public classMVIEW_NAME_LENGTHConstant
Maximum length for view and group names
Public classMVIEW_OPENConstant
Open MVIEW define
Public classMVIEW_PJConstant
Projection modes
Public classMVIEW_RELOCATEConstant
Relocation Defines
Public classMVIEW_SMOOTHConstant
Interpolation method to use for drawing line and polygon edges
Public classMVIEW_TILEConstant
Tiling defines
Public classMVIEW_UNITConstant
Coordinate systems defines
Public classMVU_ARROWConstant
Type Arrow. These definitions are used as binary flags, and can be used together by passing sums.
Public classMVU_DIVISION_STYLEConstant
Orientation (of whatever)
Public classMVU_FLIGHT_COMPASSConstant
Compass direction
Public classMVU_FLIGHT_DUMMIESConstant
Show Dummies
Public classMVU_FLIGHT_LOCATEConstant
Line label locations
Public classMVU_ORIENTATIONConstant
Orientation (of whatever)
Public classMVU_TEXTBOXConstant
Type of Box
Public classMVU_VOX_SURFACE_METHODConstant
Public classMVU_VOX_SURFACE_OPTIONConstant
Public classMVU_VPOINTConstant
Head Acuteness
Public classMVU_VPOSConstant
Head Position
Public classMVU_VSIZEConstant
Head Size
Public classMVU_VSTYLEConstant
Head Style
Public classNULLSYMBConstant
Database Null
Public classPG_3D_DIRConstant
3D Pager direction
Public classPG_BF_CONVConstant
Pager binary conversions
Public classPJ_ELEVATIONConstant
Elevation correction method
Public classPJ_RECTConstant
Conversion direction
Public classPLY_CLIPConstant
Polygon clipping mode
Public classPLY_LINE_CLIPConstant
Polygon line clip indicator
Public classPLY_POINT_CLIPConstant
Polygon point clipping mode
Public classRBFKERNELConstant
Math kernel to use in the RBF Computation
Public classREG_DOMAINConstant
Registry key domains
Public classREG_MERGEConstant
REG merge options
Public classSBF_OPENConstant
SBF Open defines
Public classSBF_TYPEConstant
SBF Object type defines
Section orientation types
Public classSHELL_EXECUTEConstant
Shell execute defines
Public classST_INFOConstant
Information to retrieve
Public classST2_CORRELATIONConstant
Correlation style
Public classSTR_CASEConstant
Case sensitivity
Public classSTR_ESCAPEConstant
How to handle escape
Public classSTR_FILE_PARTConstant
Parts of a path string
Public classSTR_JUSTIFYConstant
String justification style
Public classSTR_TRIMConstant
What to trim
Public classSURFACE_CLIP_MODEConstant
Surface Clip Mode
Public classSURFACE_CLIP_STATUSConstant
Surface Clip Return Code
Public classSURFACE_OPENConstant
Open Modes
Surface projection method
Surface transformation method
Public classSURFACERENDER_MODEConstant
Open Modes
Public classSYS_CRYPT_KEYConstant
Special Encryption Keys
Public classSYS_DAT_FILEConstant
DAT File Type
Public classSYS_DIRConstant
SYS Directory locations
Public classSYS_ENCRYPTION_KEYConstant
How to encrypt a string. Determines the portability of the encrypted string.
Public classSYS_FILE_FORMConstant
File Open Mode
Public classSYS_FONTConstant
Font types
Public classSYS_INFOConstant
System information
Public classSYS_LINEAGE_SOURCEConstant
Type of lineage sources
Public classSYS_MENU_CLEARConstant
Font types
Public classSYS_PATHConstant
Get specific Geosoft paths. The path name will have a directory separator at the end.
Public classSYS_RUN_DISPLAYConstant
Windows Display Options Determine how applications are started. These options are not yet implemented.
Public classSYS_RUN_HOLDConstant
DOS Console Options These options determine if and when the DOS/EXE console window is held. These options only work on DOS and EXE programs.
Public classSYS_RUN_TYPEConstant
Type of application to run
Public classSYS_RUN_WINConstant
Windows Options Should we wait for the application to finish or should we continue executing. If you wait for another program, Oasis montaj will not redraw or respond. We always wait for EXE and DOS programs.
Public classSYS_SEARCH_PATHConstant
Find File define
Public classTB_SEARCHConstant
TB Searching mode
Public classTB_SORTConstant
TB Sorting mode
Public classTD_BUTTONConstant
TaskDialog Common Buttons
Public classTD_ICONConstant
TaskDialog Icon
Public classTD_IDConstant
TaskDialog Common Button Return Values
Public classTEXT_REFConstant
Text reference locations
Public classTIME_FORMATConstant
Old Time formats
Public classTPAT_STRING_SIZEConstant
Default string sizes.
Public classUSERMETA_FORMATConstant
USERMETA Format Types
Public classVA_AVERAGEConstant
VA Object to average
Public classVA_OBJECTConstant
VA Object to select
Public classVECTOR_IMPORTConstant
Vector grid3d import direction
Public classVOX_DIRConstant
Voxel direction
Public classVOX_DIRECTIONConstant
Voxel export direction
Public classVOX_FILTER3DConstant
Voxel filter type
GOCAD Orientations
Public classVOX_GRID_LOGOPTConstant
Voxel log gridding options
Public classVOX_ORIGINConstant
Voxel origin
Public classVOX_SLICE_MODEConstant
Voxel export direction
Public classVOX_VECTORVOX_IMPORTConstant
Voxel direction
Public classVOXE_EVALConstant
Voxel Evaluation modes
Public classVOXELRENDER_MODEConstant
Render Modes
Public classVV_DOUBLE_CRC_BITSConstant
Number of bits to use in double CRC's
Public classVV_FLOAT_CRC_BITSConstant
Number of bits to use in float CRC's
Public classVV_LOG_BASEConstant
Type of log to use
Public classVV_LOGMODEConstant
Ways to handle negatives
Public classVV_LOOKUPConstant
Lookup style
Public classVV_MASKConstant
Where to mask
Public classVV_ORDERConstant
Specify if the data is montonically increasing or decreasing.
Public classVV_SORTConstant
Sort order
Public classVV_WINDOWConstant
How to handle VV limits
Public classWA_ENCODEConstant
WA Encode defines
Public classWA_OPENConstant
WA Open defines
Public delegateCHANDLEDeleteDelegate
Delegate to notify class when this object has been deleted
Public enumerationIntConstants
Global integer constants as an enum