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High Performance 3D Grid.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CGRID3D : CHANDLE

public class CGRID3D : CHANDLE

The CGRID3D type exposes the following members.

Public methodFillDouble
Fill the grid3d with a single double value.
Public methodFillThematic
Fill the grid3d with a single thematic value.
Public methodFillVector
Fill the grid3d with a single vector value.
Public methodGetDoubleStats
Get Double statistics.
Public methodGetElementsInBlockX
Get the number of cells in the block in the X direction
Public methodGetElementsInBlockY
Get the number of cells in the block in the Y direction
Public methodGetElementsInBlockZ
Get the number of cells in the block in the Z direction
Public methodGetThematicStats
Get Thematic Data statistics.
Public methodGetTPAT
Get the TPAT from the thematic grid3d.
Public methodGetType
Get the type of this GRID3D
Public methodGetVectorStats
Get Vector Data statistics.
Public methodiIsDouble
Does this grid3d contain floating point data
Public methodiIsThematic
Does this grid3d contain thematic data
Public methodiIsVector
Does this grid3d contain vector data
Public methodReadX
Read data from a GRID3D in the x direction (MOST EFFICIENT)
Public methodReadY
Read data from a GRID3D in the Y direction
Public methodReadZ
Read data from a GRID3D in the Z direction
Public methodSetTPAT
Set the TPAT of a thematic grid3d.
Public methodWriteX
Write data to a GRID3D in the X direction (MOST EFFICIENT)
Public methodWriteY
Write data to a GRID3D in the Y direction
Public methodWriteZ
Write data to a GRID3D in the Z direction
See Also