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CPG Class

Pager methods for large 2-D arrays This class handles very-large 2-D arrays in which efficient access is required along both rows and columns.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CPG : CHANDLE

public class CPG : CHANDLE

The CPG type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopy
Copy the data from one pager to another.
Public methodCopySubset
Copy a subset of data from one pager to another.
Public methodCopySubset3D
Copy a subset of data from one pager to another.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates a Pager object
Public methodStatic memberCreate3D
Creates a Pager object
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create a 2D PG from serialized source.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CPG and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodDummy
Sets the Entire pager to dummy.
Public methodiEType
Gets the type of pager.
Public methodiNCols
Gets the # of columns in pager.
Public methodiNRows
Gets the # of rows in pager.
Public methodiNSlices
Gets the # of slices (z) in pager.
Public methodRange
Computes the range of the entire pager.
Public methodReadBF
Read the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to from a BF.
Public methodReadCol
Read a set of elements in X (column) from pager into vv
Public methodReadCol3D
Read a set of elements in X (column) from pager into vv
Public methodReadRA
Read the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to from an RA.
Public methodReadRow
Read a set of elements in Y (row) from pager into vv
Public methodReadRow3D
Read a set of elements in Y (row) from pager into vv
Public methodReadTrace3D
Read a set of elements in Z (trace) from pager into vv
Public methodReAllocate
Changes the size of Pager
Public methodReAllocate3D
Changes the size of 3D Pager
Public methodrGet
Read a single value from a 2D PG
Public methodSerial
Serialize a 2D PG to a BF.
Public methodSet
Write a single value to a 2D PG
Public methodStatistics
Compute the statistics of a pager object.
Public methodWriteBF
Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a BF.
Public methodWriteBFEx
Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a BF.
Public methodWriteCol
Write a set of elements in X (column) from vv into pager
Public methodWriteCol3D
Write a set of elements in X (column) from vv into pager
Public methodWriteRow
Write a set of elements in Y (row) from vv into pager
Public methodWriteRow3D
Write a set of elements in Y (row) from vv into pager
Public methodWriteTrace3D
Write a set of elements in Z (trace) from pager into vv
Public methodWriteWA
Write the contents of a 2D or 3D pager to a WA
See Also