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CVV Class

The VV class stores very long vector (array) data (such as channel data from an OASIS database) in memory and performs specific actions on the data. This set of functions is similar to the VM functions except that you cannot access data directly and therefore you cannot use a VV to pass data to an external (non-Geosoft) Dynamic Link Library (DLL) object function. If you want to pass data to a DLL, you must move a subset of the data stored in memory to a small vector object and then use the GetPtrVM_GEO function to pass a pointer to the data on to the external function. See VVU for more utility methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CVV : CHANDLE

public class CVV : CHANDLE

The CVV type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbs
Take the absolute value of values in a VV.
Public methodAdd
Add two VVs: VV_A + VV_B = VV_C
Public methodAdd2
Add two VVs with linear factors: VV_A*f1 + VV_B*f2 = VV_C
Public methodAmplitude3D
Calculate the 3D length for XYZ component VVs
Public methodAppend
Appends VV's
Public methodCopy
Copy one VV to another.
Public methodCopy2
Copy part of a vector into part of another vector.
Public methodCopyVMtoVV
Copy VM data to a VV.
Public methodStatic memberCopyVVtoVM
Copy VV data to a VM.
Public methodCRC
Compute the CRC value of a VV.
Public methodCRCInexact
Compute the CRC value of a VV and allows you to specify number of bits of floats/doubles to drop so that the CRC will be same even of this are changed.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Create a VV.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExt
Create a VV, using one of the <define>GS_TYPES</define> special data types.
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create a VV from serialized source.
Public methodDiff
Calculate differences.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CVV and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodDivide
Divide one VV by another: VV_A / VV_B = VV_C
Public methodFidNorm
Re-sample a pair of VV's to match each other.
Public methodFillInt
Fill a VV with an int value.
Public methodFillReal
Fill a VV with a real value.
Public methodFillString
Fill a VV with a string value.
Public methodGetVM
Get VV data and place it in a VM. (OBSOLETE)
Public methodiCountDummies
Count the number of dummies in a VV
Public methodiFindDum
Finds the first dummy or non-dummy value in a VV
Public methodiGetData
Copy data from user memory to a VV
Public methodiGetExtType
Return the internal data type of this VV
Public methodiGetFidExpansion
Gets the Fiducial expansion from a VV
Public methodiGetInt
Get an integer element from a VV.
Public methodIGetString(Int32, String)
Get a string element from a VV.
Public methodIGetString(Int32, String, Int32)
Get a string element from a VV.
Public methodiIndexMax
Get the index where the maximum value occurs.
Public methodiLength
Returns current VV length.
Public methodIndexInsert
Insert items into a VV using an index VV.
Public methodIndexOrder
Reorder a VV.
Public methodInitIndex
Initialize an index VV to values 0, 1, 2, etc...
Public methodInvLog
Inverse of the _Log_VV function.
Public methodiOrder
Identifies the data size order of the elements.
Public methodiSetData
Copy data from user memory to a VV
Public methodLinesToXY
Convert a 2D Line segment VV into X and Y VVs.
Public methodLog
Apply log to the vv.
Public methodLogLinear
Take the log10 or original value of a VV.
Public methodLookupIndex
Lookup a VV from another VV using an index VV.
Public methodMakeMemBased
Make this VV use regular instead of virtual memory.
Public methodMask
Mask one VV against another.
Public methodMaskAND
Create mask from logical AND of two VVs.
Public methodMaskOR
Create mask from logical OR of two VVs.
Public methodMaskStr
Mask one VV against another using a string.
Public methodMultiply
Multiply two VVs: VV_A * VV_B = VV_C
Public methodPolygonMask
Mask a VV using XY data and a polygon
Public methodStatic memberProject
This method projects an X and Y VV.
Public methodStatic memberProject3D
This method projects an X,Y,Z VV.
Public methodRangeDouble
Get the min. and max. values of a VV while ignoring dummies.
Public methodReFid
Re-sample a VV to a new fid start/icrement
Public methodReFidVV
Re-sample a VV to match another VV.
Public methodReSample
Resamples a VV from one fid/incr to another fid/incr.
Public methodReverse
Reverses the order of the data in a VV.
Public methodrGetFidIncr
Gets the Fiducial increment from a VV
Public methodrGetFidStart
Gets the Fiducial start from a VV
Public methodrGetReal
Get a real element from a VV.
Public methodrSum
Calculate the sum of the values in a VV.
Public methodrWeightedMean
Calculate the weighted average of the values.
Public methodSerial
Public methodSetFidExpansion
Sets the Fiducial expansion from a VV
Public methodSetFidIncr
Sets the Fiducial increment of a VV
Public methodSetFidStart
Sets the Fiducial start of a VV
Public methodSetInt
Set an integer element in a VV.
Public methodSetIntN
Set N integer elements in a VV.
Public methodSetLen
Set the length of a VV.
Public methodSetReal
Set a real element in a VV.
Public methodSetRealN
Set N real elements in a VV.
Public methodSetString
Set a string element in a VV.
Public methodSetStringN
Set N string elements in a VV.
Public methodSetupIndex
Setup an index VV from VV1 to VV2.
Public methodSetVM
Set VV data from a VM. (OBSOLETE)
Public methodSort
Sort a VV.
Public methodSortIndex
Sort index VV based on a data VV.
Public methodSortIndex1
Sort index VV based on 1 data VV - set orders.
Public methodSortIndex2
Sort index VV based on 2 data VVs - set orders.
Public methodSortIndex3
Sort index VV based on 3 data VVs - set orders.
Public methodSortIndex4
Sort index VV based on 4 data VVs - set orders.
Public methodStatic memberStatistics
Add a VV to a ST.
Public methodSubtract
Subtract one VV from another: VV_A - VV_B = VV_C
Public methodSwap
Swaps the bytes of the SHORT, USHORT, LONG, FLOAT and DOUBLE vv's. Other vv's are not affected by this method. This is used primarily with changing the order of bytes for other machine created data.
Public methodTrans
Translate (VV + base ) * mult
Public methodWindow
Limit the elements of a vv to a range.
Public methodWriteXML
Write the VV data as an XML object with bytes and formating.
See Also