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CSBF Class

The SBF class provides a means of storing data in a file-type directory structure within a workspace, database or map. Each of these three objects contains its own SBF object, which may be accessed using the hGetSYS_SBF, hGetDB_SBF and hGetMAP_SBF functions. To access data in a file, or create a new file in the SBF object, call the CreatSBF_BF function (see BF), which will return a BF object to use.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CSBF : CHANDLE

public class CSBF : CHANDLE

The CSBF type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreate
Create a child SBF object inside an SBF.
Public methodCreateObjList
Fills an LST with embedded storage names of an SBF.
Public methodDelDir
Delete a directory (storage) from this storage.
Public methodDelFile
Delete a file from this storage.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CSBF and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodStatic memberhGetDB
Get the embedded file storage from a database.
Public methodStatic memberhGetMAP
Get the embedded file storage from a map.
Public methodStatic memberhGetSYS
Get the main embedded file storage (in workspace).
Public methodiExistDir
Check to see if a directory (storage) exists inside this storage.
Public methodiExistFile
Check to see if a file exists inside this storage.
Public methodSaveLog
Save an embedded file to an ASCII file.
See Also