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Mesh utility methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public static class CMESHUTIL

public static class CMESHUTIL

The CMESHUTIL type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberApplyTransformation
Applies a transformation to a surface, see <define>SURFACE_TRANSFORMATION_METHOD</define>for available operations. The existing mesh will be preserved, and a new mesh will be created with the target name in the target file. Reprojection willbe handled automatically in the case that the coordinate systems differ.
Public methodStatic memberClipSurfaceWithExtents
Clip a Surface with X,Y,Z extents
Public methodStatic memberClipSurfaceWithGrid
Clip a Surface with a Grid Surface (grid converted to surface)
Public methodStatic memberClipSurfaceWithPolygon2d
Clip a Surface a specified Polygon file
Public methodStatic memberComputeSurfaceClip
Clip a surface with another surface, and output the clipped surfaces
Public methodStatic memberComputeSurfaceIntersection
Computes and outputs the intersection of two closed surfaces
Public methodStatic memberComputeSurfaceSimplification
Simplifies a surface by reducing the number of edges by half
Public methodStatic memberComputeSurfaceSubdivision
Smooths a surface by applying a loop subdivision algorithm
Public methodStatic memberComputeSurfaceUnion
Compute union of two surfaces
Public methodStatic memberCopyMeshToGeoSurfaceFile
Copy a mesh from one geosurface file to another
Public methodStatic memberDoesSurfaceIntersect
Checks if the two surfaces intersect at all
Public methodStatic memberDoesSurfaceSelfIntersect
Checks if a surface self-intersects
Public methodStatic memberExtractIsosurfaceFromVoxel
Extracts isosurface from a voxel, and saves the voxel to a Geosurface file
Public methodStatic memberImportGridToSurface
Imports a Grid to a Surface
Public methodStatic memberProjectGeosurfaceOntoGrid
Repoject surface with the coordinate system of the IPJ.
Public methodStatic memberReprojectGeosurfaceFile
Repoject surface with the coordinate system of the IPJ.
See Also