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CIPJ Class

The IPJ class describes a single spatial reference in the world, defined under a coordinate system, an orientation, and a warp (which can be used to distort the projected object to a particular shape or boundary).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CIPJ : CHANDLE

public class CIPJ : CHANDLE

The CIPJ type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAsFavouriteCoordinateSystem
Add as favourite coordinate system to Settings.
Public methodAddExaggWarp
Add a warp to IPJ to exaggerate X, Y and Z.
Public methodAddLogWarp
Add a warp to IPJ to log one or both coordinantes
Public methodAddMatrixWarp
Add a warp to IPJ using a matrix
Public methodAddWarp
Add a warp to IPJ.
Public methodClearCoordinateSystem
Clear coordinate sytsem, except for units
Public methodClearOrientation
Clear any orientation and/or warp from an IPJ.
Public methodClearWarp
Clear warp parameters (if any) from an IPJ.
Public methodConvertOrientationWarpVV
Convert X,Y and Z VVs using the orientation warp from an IPJ.
Public methodCopy
Copy IPJs
Public methodCopyOrientation
Copy any orientation and/or warp from one IPJ to another.
Public methodCopyProjection
Copy the projection from one IPJ to another
Public methodStatic memberCreate
This method creates a projection object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create IPJ from serialized source.
Public methodStatic memberCreateXML
Create an IPJ from serialized Geosoft MetaData XML file
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CIPJ and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodGet3DMatrixOrientation
Gets the coefficients of a 3D matrix orientation.
Public methodGet3DView
Get 3D orientation parameters
Public methodGet3DViewEx
Get 3D orientation parameters with new flags
Public methodGetCrookedSectionViewVVs
Get the crooked section path.
Public methodStatic memberGetFavouriteCoordinateSystem
Get a favourite coordinate system from Settings.
Public methodGetFromBinaryAsString(String)
Get IPJ from binary-as-string
Public methodGetFromBinaryAsString(String, Int32)
Get IPJ from binary-as-string
Public methodStatic memberGetList
Get a list of parameters.
Public methodGetOrientationInfo
Get IPJ orientation parameters.
Public methodGetPlaneEquation
Get the equation of a plane
Public methodGetPlaneEquation2
Get the equation of a plane with reprojection.
Public methodiCompareDatums
Compare the datums of two coordinate systems?
Public methodiCompareDatumsToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, String)
Compare the datums of two coordinate systems, but allows for a specified accuracy and returns the reason if they are different
Public methodiCompareDatumsToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, String, Int32)
Compare the datums of two coordinate systems, but allows for a specified accuracy and returns the reason if they are different
Public methodiConvertWarp
Converts a point X, Y, Z to the new IPJ plane.
Public methodiConvertWarpVV
Converts a set of X & Y VVs to the new IPJ plane. The Z is assumed to be 0
Public methodiCoordinateSystemsAreTheSame
Are these two coordinate systems the same?
Public methodiCoordinateSystemsAreTheSameToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, Int32, String)
Same as iCoordinateSystemsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for a specified accuracy and returns the reason if they are different
Public methodiCoordinateSystemsAreTheSameToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
Same as iCoordinateSystemsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for a specified accuracy and returns the reason if they are different
Public methodiCoordinateSystemsAreTheSameWithinASmallTolerance
Same as iCoordinateSystemsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for small numerical differences
Public methodiGetAuthorityID(String)
Get Authority ID (e.g. EPSG, ESRI) for coordinate system or <define>iDUMMY</define> if unknown.
Public methodiGetAuthorityID(String, Int32)
Get Authority ID (e.g. EPSG, ESRI) for coordinate system or <define>iDUMMY</define> if unknown.
Public methodIGetDisplayName(String)
Get a name for display purposes from IPJ
Public methodIGetDisplayName(String, Int32)
Get a name for display purposes from IPJ
Public methodiGetEPSGIDForDatum
Get EPSG ID for datum of coordinate system or <define>iDUMMY</define> if unknown.
Public methodIGetESRI(String)
Store coordinate system in an ESRI prj coordinate string
Public methodIGetESRI(String, Int32)
Store coordinate system in an ESRI prj coordinate string
Public methodIGetGXF(String, String, String, String, String)
Store coordinate system in GXF style strings.
Public methodIGetGXF(String, String, String, String, String, Int32)
Store coordinate system in GXF style strings.
Public methodIGetMICoordSys(String, String)
Store coordinate system in MapInfo coordsys pair
Public methodIGetMICoordSys(String, Int32, String, Int32)
Store coordinate system in MapInfo coordsys pair
Public methodIGetName(Int32, String)
Get an IPJ name
Public methodIGetName(Int32, String, Int32)
Get an IPJ name
Public methodStatic memberiGetNumberOfFavouriteCoordinateSystems
Get number of favourite coordinate systems in Settings.
Public methodiGetOrientation
Get IPJ orientation in space.
Public methodIGetOrientationName(String)
Get a name for display purposes from IPJ
Public methodIGetOrientationName(String, Int32)
Get a name for display purposes from IPJ
Public methodIGetUnits(Double, String)
Get unit parameters
Public methodIGetUnits(Double, String, Int32)
Get unit parameters
Public methodIGetXML(String)
Get an Geosoft Metadata XML string from an IPJ
Public methodIGetXML(String, Int32)
Get an Geosoft Metadata XML string from an IPJ
Public methodiHasProjection
Does the IPJ object contain a projection?
Public methodiHasSectionOrientation
Does this projection contain an orientation used by section plots?
Public methodiIs3DInverted
Is this 3D View inverted ?
Public methodiIs3DInvertedAngles
Are the angles in this 3D View inverted ?
Public methodiIsGeographic
See if this projection is geographic
Public methodiOrientationsAreTheSame
Are these two orientations the same?
Public methodiOrientationsAreTheSameToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, String)
Same as iOrientationsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for small numerical differences
Public methodiOrientationsAreTheSameToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, String, Int32)
Same as iOrientationsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for small numerical differences
Public methodiOrientationsAreTheSameWithinASmallTolerance
Same as iOrientationsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for small numerical differences
Public methodiProjectionTypeIsFullySupported
Is the projection type fully supported?
Public methodiSetGXF
Same as SetGXF_IPJ, but fails gracefully.
Public methodiSourceType
Get IPJ source type
Public methodiSupportDatumTransform
Can we transform between these two datums?
Public methodStatic memberIUnitName(CGXNETCore, Double, Int32, String)
Get a unit name given a scale factor
Public methodStatic memberIUnitName(CGXNETCore, Double, Int32, String, Int32)
Get a unit name given a scale factor
Public methodiWarped
Does IPJ contain a warp?
Public methodiWarpsAreTheSame
Are these two warps the same?
Public methodiWarpsAreTheSameToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, String)
Same as iWarpsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for a specified accuracy and returns the reason if they are different
Public methodiWarpsAreTheSameToSpecifiedToleranceWithFeedback(CIPJ, Int32, String, Int32)
Same as iWarpsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for a specified accuracy and returns the reason if they are different
Public methodiWarpsAreTheSameWithinASmallTolerance
Same as iWarpsAreTheSame_IPJ, but allows for small numerical differences
Public methodiWarpType
Obtain the warp type of an IPJ.
Public methodMakeGeographic
Remove a projected coordinate system from an IPJ
Public methodMakeProjected
Create a default projected coordinate system from lat-long ranges.
Public methodMakeWGS84
Make a WGS 84 geographic projection
Public methodNewBoxResolution
Determine a data resolution in a new coordinate system
Public methodRead
Read and define an IPJ from a standard file.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveFavouriteCoordinateSystem
Remove favourite coordinate system from Settings.
Public methodReprojectSectionGrid
Reproject a section grid
Public methodrGetMethodParm
Get projection method parameter
Public methodrGetNorthAzimuth
Return the azimuth of geographic North at a point.
Public methodStatic memberrUnitScale
Get a unit scale (m/unit) given a name
Public methodSerial
Serialize IPJ to a BF.
Public methodSerialFGDCXML
Write the IPJ as a FDGC MetaData XML object
Public methodSerialISOXML
Write the IPJ as a ISO MetaData XML object
Public methodSerialXML
Write the IPJ as a Geosoft MetaData XML object
Public methodSet3DInverted
Set whether a view is inverted (must be 3D already)
Public methodSet3DInvertedAngles
Set whether the angles in this view are inverted (must be 3D already)
Public methodSet3DMatrixOrientation
Apply a 3D orientation directly using matrix coefficients.
Public methodSet3DView
Set 3D orientation parameters
Public methodSet3DViewEx
Set 3D orientation parameters with new flags
Public methodSet3DViewFromAxes
Set 3D orientation parameters
Public methodSetCrookedSectionView
Set up the crooked section view.
Public methodSetDepthSectionView
Set depth section orientation parameters
Public methodSetESRI
Set coordinate system from an ESRI prj coordinate string
Public methodSetFromBinaryAsString
Set IPJ from binary-as-string
Public methodSetGXF
Set coordinate system from GXF style strings.
Public methodSetMethodParm
Set projection method parameter
Public methodSetMICoordSys
Set coordinate system from a MapInfo coordsys command
Public methodSetNormalSectionView
Set normal section orientation parameters
Public methodSetPlanView
Set plan orientation parameters.
Public methodSetSectionView
Set section orientation parameters
Public methodSetUnits
Set unit parameters
Public methodSetVCS
Set the Vertical Coordinate System in the IPJ name string
Public methodSetWMSCoordSys
Set coordinate system from a WMS coordsys string.
Public methodSetXML
Set an IPJ from a Geosoft Metadata XML string
See Also