IPJ_ORIENTConstant Class

Projection Orientation
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public static class IPJ_ORIENTConstant

public static class IPJ_ORIENTConstant

The IPJ_ORIENTConstant type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic member_3D
A 3D rotation/scaling/translation orientation
Public fieldStatic member_3D_MATRIX
A 3D matrix orientation
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT
no special orientation - plan view. All views in maps created before v5.1.3 will return this value.
Public fieldStatic memberDEPTH_SECTION
This simple section has no azimuth or swing defined; only the depth is of importance, and it is output as the Y parameter, increasing downward. Used (for instance) for strip logs in Wholeplot.
Public fieldStatic memberPLAN
A plan view with a reference elevation and optional rotation.
Public fieldStatic memberSECTION
Has an azimuth and swing. The section view projects all plotted objects HORIZONTALLY onto the viewing plan in order to preserve elevations, even if the section has a swing.
Public fieldStatic memberSECTION_CROOKED
This is a vertical section that follows a curving path, like a river or survey traverse. The horizontal section location is the distance along the path, while the vertical axis gives the elevation.
Public fieldStatic memberSECTION_NORMAL
Same as <define>IPJ_ORIENT_SECTION</define>, but the projection is perpendicular to the section, not horizonatl, so elevatins are not preserved on swung sections.
See Also