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CVA Class

The VA class is the 2-Dimensional analogue to the VV class. When displayed in a database, VA objects are displayed graphically as profiles, one to a cell, and can also be displayed one column of data at a time by specifying an index; e.g. CH[0]. A VA object is declared with a fixed number of columns, which cannot be altered. The number of rows, however can be changed, in the same way that the length of a VV can be changed. Data can be added or extracted using VVs, either by row or column. A VA is used to store an array of data in which each element may have multiple elements. For example, 256-channel radiometric data can be stored in a VA that is 256 elements wide.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CVA : CHANDLE

public class CVA : CHANDLE

The CVA type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddElevationsVVToDepths
Add one VV value to each row of the VA, output true elevation.
Public methodAppend
Appends VAs
Public methodAverage
Average elements in a VA by row or column
Public methodCopy
Copy one VA to another.
Public methodCopy2
Copy part of a vector into part of another vector.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Create a VA.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExt
Create a VA, using one of the <define>GS_TYPES</define> special data types.
Public methodStatic memberCreateVV
Create a VA using the data in a VV.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CVA and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodGetFullVV
Get the full VV from the VA.
Public methodGetVV
Get a row or column of data as a VV from an array.
Public methodiCheckForRepeating
Window a VA to a VV based on fractional frame
Public methodiCheckForRepeating2
Window a VA to a VV based on fractional frame
Public methodiCol
Return number of columns in VA
Public methodiGetArray
Get an array of data from a VA.
Public methodiGetInt
Get an integer element from a VA.
Public methodIGetString(Int32, Int32, String)
Get a string element from a VA.
Public methodIGetString(Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
Get a string element from a VA.
Public methodiLen
Return length (number of rows) in a VA.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOrder
Reorder a VA based on an index VV
Public methodiSetArray
Set a range of data in an array
Public methodLookupIndex
Lookup a VA from another VA using an index VV.
Public methodRange
Computes the minimum and maximum range of the data, in doubles, in a vector while ignoring dummies, for a range of columns and rows.
Public methodRangeColumns
Computes the minimum and maximum range of the data for individual columns, in doubles, for a range of columns and rows.
Public methodRangeDouble
Computes the minimum and maximum range of the data, in doubles, in a vector while ignoring dummies.
Public methodReFid
Re-sample a VA to a new fid start/icrement
Public methodReverse
Reverses the order of the rows in a VA.
Public methodrGetFidIncr
Gets the Fiducial increment from a VA
Public methodrGetFidStart
Gets the Fiducial start from a VA
Public methodrGetReal
Get a real element from a VA.
Public methodSetFidIncr
Sets the Fiducial increment of a VA
Public methodSetFidStart
Sets the Fiducial start of a VA
Public methodSetInt
Set an integer element in a VA.
Public methodSetIntN
Set N rows of integer elements in a VA.
Public methodSetLn
Set the length (number of rows) of the VA
Public methodSetReal
Set a real element in a VA.
Public methodSetString
Set a string element in a VA.
Public methodSetVV
Set a row or column of data in an array from a VV.
Public methodTrans
Translate (VA + base ) * mult
Public methodWindow
Window a VA to a VV based in intergral frame
Public methodWindow2
Window a VA to a VV based on fractional frame
See Also