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CITR Class

The ITR class provides access to ITR files. An ITR file maps ranges of values to specific colors. The ITR object is typically used in conjunction with MVIEW objects (see MVIEW and MVU).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public class CITR : CHANDLE

public class CITR : CHANDLE

The CITR type exposes the following members.

Public methodChangeBrightness
Change the brightness.
Public methodColorVV
Get color transform of a VV.
Public methodCopy
Copies ITRs
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Create an ITR object
Public methodStatic memberCreateFile
Create an ITR object from an itr, tbl, zon, lut file.
Public methodStatic memberCreateIMG
Create an ITR for an image.
Public methodStatic memberCreateMap
Create ITR from Map with AGG Group name.
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create an ITR object from a BF
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CITR and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEqualArea
Calculate an equal area transform.
Public methodEqualAreaOrLinear
Calculate an equal area transform.
Public methodGetDataLimits
Get ITR max/min data limits.
Public methodGetREG
Get the ITR's REG
Public methodGetZoneBaseColor
Get the base color in a zone of the ITR
Public methodGetZoneColor
Get the color in a zone of the ITR
Public methodGetZoneModel
Get the ITR zone model (e.g. Linear, LogLin, Equal Area) and the accompanying values (if defined)
Public methodiColorValue
Transform single data value to color
Public methodStatic memberiDefaultColorMethod
Return the user-defined global default color method.
Public methodIGetName(String)
Get the name of the ITR.
Public methodIGetName(String, Int32)
Get the name of the ITR.
Public methodiGetSize
Get the number of zones in an ITR
Public methodiGetZoneActive
Get whether a zone of the ITR is active (1) or rendered trasparent (0)
Public methodiGetZoneModelType
Get the ITR zone model (e.g. Linear, LogLin, Equal Area).
Public methodLinear
Calculate a linear transform.
Public methodLoadA
Load to an ASCII file, ZON, TBL or ER-Mapper LUT
Public methodLogLinear
Calculate a log transform.
Public methodNormal
Calculate a normal distribution transform.
Public methodPowerZone
Modified ITR zone values to 10 (or e) raized to the power of the values
Public methodrGetBrightness
Get the brightness setting of the ITR
Public methodrGetContour
Get the contour value associated with the current transform model of the ITR
Public methodrGetContrast
Get the contrast setting of the ITR
Public methodrGetZoneValue
Get the value in a zone of the ITR
Public methodSaveA
Save to an ASCII file, ZON, TBL or ER-Mapper LUT
Public methodSaveFile
Save to any type (based on the extension of the input file name).
Public methodSerial
Serialize an ITR to a BF
Public methodStatic memberSetAggMap
Set ITR to an AGG in map
Public methodSetBrightContrast
Set the brightness of the ITR colors
Public methodSetColorModel
Set the color model of an ITR.
Public methodSetDataLimits
Set ITR max/min data limits.
Public methodSetName
Set the name of the ITR.
Public methodSetSize
Set the number of zones in an ITR
Public methodSetZoneActive
Set whether a zone of the ITR is active (1) or rendered trasparent (0)
Public methodSetZoneBaseColor
Set the color in a zone of the ITR
Public methodSetZoneColor
Set the color in a zone of the ITR
Public methodSetZoneModel
Set the ITR zone model (e.g. Linear, LogLin, Equal Area) and the accompanying values (if defined)
Public methodSetZoneValue
Set the value in a zone of the ITR
See Also