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CMVIEWTextFont Method

Set the text font.

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public void TextFont(
	string face,
	int geo_font,
	int weight,
	int italic

public void TextFont(
	string face,
	int geo_font,
	int weight,
	int italic


Type: SystemString
Font face name
Type: SystemInt32
Geosoft font? (TRUE or FALSE)
Type: SystemInt32
Type: SystemInt32
Italic font? (TRUE or FALSE)
Font characteristics can be defined using the function parameters, or may be defined as decorations in the font name. A decorated font name has the following format: font_name(type,weight,italics,charset) where type - "TT" or "GFN" weight - last word from MVIEW_FONT_WEIGHT_ (ie. "LIGHT") italics - "ITALICS" for for italics charset - Before version 6.2. this decoration was honoured and it affected the display of characters above ASCII 127. 6.2. introduced Unicode in the core montaj engine that eliminated the need for such a setting. All strings on the GX API level are encoded in <define>UTF8</define> during runtime which makes it possible to represent all possible characters without using character sets. This decoration will now be ignored. Qualifiers take precidence over passed parameters. The order of qualifiers is not relevant. examples: "sr(GFN,ITALICS)" - geosoft GFN font, normal weight, italics "Arial(TT,XBOLD)" - TrueType font, bold "Times(TT,ITALICS,_EastEurope)" - TrueType font, italics, Eastern Europe charcters Decorated name qualifiers take precedence over passed parameters. If the font cannot be found, or if "Default" is used, the DEFAULT_MAP_FONT specified in the [MONTAJ] section of GEOSOFT.INI will be used.
See Also