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Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX Namespace
Public classACQUIRE_SELConstant
Type of Selection
Public classAOI_RETURN_STATEConstant
AOI query return state
Public classARC_SELTBL_TYPEConstant
Describes what kind of table was selected
Public classARCDB_NULLConstant
Database Null
Public classARCMAP_LOAD_FLAGSConstant
Flags that can be combined and passed to iLoadMap_ARCMAP
Public classBLAKEY_TESTConstant
Types of BLAKEY tests
Public classCACQUIRE
This class is used to import acQuire data. It uses the public acQuire API.
Public classCARCDB
The ARCDB class is used in ArcGIS to access table contents from data sources and layers.
Public classCARCDH
This library is not a class. It contains various utilities used in the Target extension for ArcGIS.
Public classCARCMAP
This library is not a class. It contains various utilities used in maps and layers by the Geosoft extensions for ArcGIS.
Public classCARCPY
This library allows legacy GX code to call back into arcpy methods in the Geosoft AddIn for ArcGIS Pro.
Public classCARCSYS
This library is not a class. It contains various general system utilities used by the Geosoft extensions for ArcGIS.
Public classCBIGRID
The Bigrid class is used to grid data using a optimized algorithm that assumes data is collected in semi-straight lines.
Public classCCHIMERA
CHIMERA GX function library.
Public classCCOM
This class is used to communicate with external serial devices. It allows the setting of timeouts.
Public classCDGW
Provides access to dialog boxes for user I/O. You can use this class to store to, or retrieve information from the current workspace parameter block via dialog boxes
Public classCDH
This class is used for importing and interacting with Drill Hole data files. For detailed information on Drill Hole data, see the documentation for Wholeplot.
Public classCDMPPLY
Datamine Multiple polygon object
Public classCDOCU
Class to work with documents
Public classCDU
DU functions provide a variety of common utilities that can be applied efficiently to the contents of a database. Most DU library functions take as their first argument a DB object, and apply standard processes to data stored in an OASIS database, including import and export functions.
Public classCDXFI
The DXFI class is used for importing AutoCAD® dxf files into Geosoft maps.
Public classCEDB
The EDB class provides access to a database as displayed within Oasis montaj, but does not change data within the database itself. It performs functions such as setting the current line.
Public classCEDOC
The EDOC class provides access to a generic documents views as loaded within Oasis montaj.
Public classCEMAP
The EMAP class provides access to a map as displayed within Oasis montaj, but (usually) does not change data within the map itself. It performs functions such as setting the currently displayed area, or drawing "tracking" lines or boxes on the map (which are not part of the map itself).
The EMAPTEMPLATE class provides access to a map template as displayed within Oasis montaj, but does not change data within the template itself. It performs functions such as setting the currently displayed area, or drawing "tracking" lines or boxes on the template (which are not part of the template itself).
Public classCEUL3
This is a specialized class which performs 3D Euler deconvolution for potential field interpretation.
Public classCEXP
EXP objects are created from text strings that contain C-like math to be applied to channels in a database. It is used with the Math_DU function (see DU). See also IEXP for applying math expressions to images (grids). See also Math_DU applies expressions to the database
Public classCFFT
This class allows for the application of predefined filters to data in an OASIS database. The system uses the Winograd algorithm to transform data in the spatial domain to the wavenumber or Fourier domain.
Public classCFFT2
2-D Fast Fourier Transforms These methods now work with an IMG object, instead of creating their own FFT2 object.
Public classCFLT
The FLT class allows the application of user-defined convolution filters to data in an OASIS database
Public classCGD
This class provides access to Geosoft grid files using an old interface. Only the SampleGD_DU function uses this class. Use the IMG class instead.
Public classCGER
Allows access to a Geosoft format error message file. This class does not in itself produce an error message, but retrieves a selected message from the file, and allows the setting of replacement parameters within the message. It is up to the user to display or use the message.
Public classCGMSYS
The GMSYS Methods
Public classCGU
Not a class. A catch-all group of functions performing various geophysical processes, including the calculation of simple EM model responses, certain instrument dump file imports, and 2D Euler deconvolution.
Public classCGUI
These are graphical functions that typically create a dialog-style window for a specific function. Examples include file import wizards, and the Histogram and Scatter tools.
Public classCGX_NET
Public classCHIMERA_MAX_CHANConstant
Maximum channels in Chimera database
Public classCHIMERA_PLOTConstant
Chimera plot type
Public classCHTTP
Connect to an Internet Server using HTTP.
Public classCIEXP
The IEXP class is similar to the EXP class, but is used to apply math expressions to grids (IMG objects).
Public classCINTERNET
This library provides functions for accessing the internet and MAPI-compliant e-mail services. Supported by Oasis montaj ONLY.
Public classCIP
This class is used in the IP System for the import, export and processing of Induced Polarization data.
Public classCIPGUI
This class is used in the IP System for GUI functions such as defining parameters for pseudo-section plots.
Public classCKGRD
The KGRD object is used as a storage place for the control parameters that the Krigrid program needs to execute. The Run_KGRD function executes the Krigrid program using the KGRD object.
Public classCLMSG
Message class methods.
Public classCMISC
Not a class. A catch-all for miscellaneous geophysical methods, primarily file conversions.
Public classCMSTK
Multi-profile stack This class is used for storing data of multiple profiles and plotting profiles in a map. It is a container of STK class objects. See also: STK class.
Public classCMVG
The MVG class provides the ability to create view graphs.
Public classCOM_BAUDConstant
Connection Speed
Public classCOM_DATASIZEConstant
Data Bits
Public classCOM_FLOWCONTROLConstant
Flow Control Options
Public classCOM_PARITYConstant
Public classCOM_STOPBITSConstant
Stop Bits
Public classCOMMAND_ENVConstant
Command environments
Public classConstant
Global constants
Public classCOORDSYS_MODEConstant
Coordinate system wizard IPJ types allowed on return. The wizard present three types of projections for selection by the user, Geographic (GCS), Projected (PCS), and Unknown. (Unknown requires only that the units be defined.) The Editable flag must be Yes for this option to take affect, and is overridden internally if the user's license does not allow modification of projections (e.g. the OM Viewer).
Public classCPDF3D
The PDF3D class provides the ability to create 3D PDFs.
Public classCPGEXP
The PGEXP class is similar to the EXP class, but is used to apply math expressions to pagers (PG objects). It works only on PGs of the same dimensions.
Public classCPGU
A collection of methods applied to PG objects, including fills, trending and 2-D FFT operations.
Public classCPRAGA3
PRAGA3 application methods
Public classCPROJ
Project functions
Public classCRGRD
The RGRD object is used as a storage place for the control parameters which the Rangrid (minimum curvature) program needs to execute. The Run_RGRD function executes the Rangrid program using the RGRD object.
Public classCSEMPLOT
Oasis montaj implementation of RTE SEMPLOT
Public classCSHP
The SHP class is used to create ESRI shape files.
Public classCSQLSRV
SQL Server and MSDE utility functions
Public classCSTK
The STK class is used for plotting a single data profile in an MVIEW. The MSTK class (see MSTK) is used to plot multiple STK objects to a single map. Use AddSTK_MSTK fuction to create a STK object before using functions in this file SEE MSTK FILE FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL FUNCTION PARAMETERS.
Public classCSTRINGS
The STRINGS class is used for displaying digitization tools for interpretations
Public classCTC
The TC object is used in gravitational modelling to create a terrain correction grid from a topography grid. This is accomplished with a call first to Grregter_TC, which determines the terrain correction from an input topography grid, then to Grterain_TC, which calculates the actual corrections at the input positions.
Public classCTEST
Used to place special testing methods
Public classCTIN
The TIN class calculates the Delaunay triangulation of the positions in a database. This is the "best" set of triangles that can be formed from irregularly distributed points. The serialized TIN files can be used for gridding using the Tin-based Nearest Neighbour Algorithm, or for plotting the Delaunay triangles or Voronoi cells to a map.
Public classCTRND
The TRND methods are used to determine trend directions in database data by locating maxima and minima along lines and joining them in a specified direction. The resulting trend lines are appended to the database and used by gridding methods such as Bigrid and Rangrid to enforce features in the specified direction.
Public classCUNC
This library is not a class. Use the UNC library functions to work with Unicode characters and strings. Since version 6.2 all strings are represented internally in the the GX engine as UTF-8. The character set concept was discarded as a way to work with characters that does not fall within the normal ASCII range 0x01-0x7F. The utilities here aids with any new functionality that is now possible (e.g. an expanded symbol range with TrueType fonts).
Public classCVAU
This is not a class. These are methods that work on data stored in VA objects
Public classCVVEXP
The VVEXP class is similar to the IEXP class, but is used to apply math expressions to VV objects.
Public classCVVU
These methods are not a class. Utility methods perform various operations on VV objects, including pruning, splining, clipping and filtering.
Public classDAT_TYPEConstant
Type of files (grids, images) to support
Public classDB_DUPConstant
Duplicate Types
Public classDB_DUPEDITConstant
Duplicate Edit Flags
Public classDGW_OBJECTConstant
Dialog object defines INFO TYPE EDIT FEDIT LEDIT CEDIT EBUT ========= ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== LABEL RW RW RW RW RW R - can use GetInfo_DGW TEXT RW RW RW RW . W - can use SetInfo_DGW PATH . RW . . . FILEPATH . RW . . . LISTVAL . . R . . LISTALIAS . . RW . .
Public classDH_COMP_CHOICEConstant
Public classDH_COMPSTDB_HOLSELConstant
Composite Hole Selection
Public classDH_COMPSTDB_INTSELConstant
Composite Interval
Public classDH_DATAConstant
What to import
Public classDH_DEFAULT_FILENAMESConstant
Default filenames
Public classDH_DEFINE_PLANConstant
Public classDH_DEFINE_SECTConstant
Types of Sections
Public classDH_DESURVEYConstant
Desurvey method
Public classDH_EXPConstant
Type of Export
Public classDH_HOLESConstant
Holes to select
Public classDH_MASKConstant
Public classDH_PLOTConstant
Type of Plot
Public classDH_SECT_PAGEConstant
Public classDH_SURFACEConstant
Surface selection for creation of geological top or bottom surfaces.
Public classDIP_CONVENTIONConstant
Dip convention
Public classDOCU_OPENConstant
How to open document
Public classDU_CHANNELSConstant
Channels to Display
Public classDU_DIRECTGRID_METHODConstant
How to calculate the cell values for direct gridding.
Distance channel direction type
Public classDU_EXPORTConstant
Export Type
Public classDU_FEATURE_TYPE_OUTPUTConstant
Export to geodatabase feature type (du.h)
Public classDU_FILLConstant
Filling Options
Export to geodatabase overwrite mode(du.h)
Public classDU_IMPORTConstant
Import Mode
Public classDU_INTERP_EDGEConstant
Edge Interpolation Method
Public classDU_INTERPConstant
Inside Interpolation Method
Public classDU_LAB_TYPEConstant
File Types
Public classDU_LEVELConstant
Leveling Options
Public classDU_LINEOUTConstant
Lineout Options (du.h)
Public classDU_LINESConstant
Lines to display
Public classDU_LOADLTBConstant
Load table options
Public classDU_LOOKUPConstant
Lookup Mode
Public classDU_MASKConstant
Masking Options
Public classDU_MERGEConstant
Merge flags
Public classDU_MODFIDConstant
Fid Update Options
Public classDU_MOVEConstant
Move Style
Public classDU_REFIDConstant
Interpolation mode
Public classDU_SORTConstant
Sort Direction
Public classDU_SPLITLINEConstant
Sort Direction
Public classDU_STORAGEConstant
Storage Type
Public classEDB_PATHConstant
Four forms
Public classEDB_PROFConstant
Profile data
Public classEDB_PROFILE_SCALEConstant
Profile Scale Options
Public classEDB_REMOVEConstant
How to handle pending changes in document
Public classEDB_UNLOADConstant
What type of prompt
Public classEDB_WINDOW_POSITIONConstant
Window Positioning Options
Public classEDB_WINDOW_STATEConstant
Window State Options
Public classEDB_YAXIS_DIRECTIONConstant
Window State Options
Public classEDOC_PATHConstant
Four forms
Public classEDOC_TYPEConstant
Avaialable generic document types
Public classEDOC_UNLOADConstant
What type of prompt
Public classEDOC_WINDOW_POSITIONConstant
Window Positioning Options
Public classEDOC_WINDOW_STATEConstant
Window State Options
Public classEM_ERRConstant
Error Scaling
Public classEM_INVConstant
Type of Inversion
Public classEMAP_FONTConstant
Font Types
Public classEMAP_PATHConstant
Four forms
Public classEMAP_REDRAWConstant
Redraw Options
Public classEMAP_REMOVEConstant
How to handle pending changes in document
Public classEMAP_TRACKConstant
Tracking Options
Public classEMAP_VIEWPORTConstant
Tracking Options
Public classEMAP_WINDOW_POSITIONConstant
Window Positioning Options
Public classEMAP_WINDOW_STATEConstant
Window State Options
Public classEMAPTEMPLATE_PATHConstant
Four forms
Public classEMAPTEMPLATE_TRACKConstant
Tracking Options
Window Positioning Options
Window State Options
Public classEMPLATE_DOMAINConstant
Type of Domain
Public classEMPLATE_TXConstant
Public classEUL3_RESULTConstant
Euler result types
Public classFFT_DETRENDConstant
Detrending option
Public classFFT2_PGConstant
Pager Direction
Public classFILE_FILTERConstant
File filters
Public classFILE_FORMConstant
File Form Defines
Public classGD_STATUSConstant
Grid open mode
Public classGG_ELEMENTConstant
GG element
Public classGMS2D_MODELTYPEConstant
Avaialable model types
Public classGMS3D_MODELTYPEConstant
Avaialable model types
Public classGS_DIRECTORYConstant
Geosoft predefined directory
Public classGU_DAARC500_DATATYPEConstant
Supported serial data types for import
Public classIMPCH_TYPEConstant
Import Chem defines
Public classIP_ARRAYConstant
IP Array options
Public classIP_CHANNELSConstant
Channels to display
Public classIP_DOMAINConstant
Types of Domains
Public classIP_DUPLICATEConstant
How to handle duplicates
Public classIP_FILTERConstant
Fraser Filters
Public classIP_I2XIMPMODEConstant
Interpext Import Mode
Public classIP_I2XINVConstant
Type of Inversion
Public classIP_LINESConstant
Lines to display
Public classIP_PLDP_CONVConstant
Types of Domains
Public classIP_PLOTConstant
Type of Plot
Public classIP_QCTYPEConstant
Type of Measurement
Public classIP_STACK_TYPEConstant
Spacing Types
Public classIP_STNSCALEConstant
Station Scaling
Public classIP_SYSConstant
Public classIP_UBC_CONTROLConstant
Types of Domains
Public classLAYOUT_VIEW_UNITSConstant
Base dlayout display units
Public classMAX_PROF_WNDConstant
The following value should be kept synchronized with the value defined in src\geoguilib\stdafx.h
Public classMFCSQL_DRIVERConstant
SQL Server Driver
Public classMVG_DRAWConstant
MVG draw define
Public classMVG_GRIDConstant
MVG grid define
Public classMVG_LABEL_BOUNDConstant
MVG label bound define
Public classMVG_LABEL_JUSTConstant
MVG label justification define
Public classMVG_LABEL_ORIENTConstant
MVG label orientation
Public classMVG_SCALEConstant
MVG scale define
Public classMVG_WRAPConstant
MVG wrap define
Public classPEAKEULER_XYConstant
Fit Options
Public classPGU_CORRConstant
Correlation (must be synchronized with <define>ST2_CORRELATION</define>)
Public classPGU_DIRECTGRIDConstant
Type of statistic to use on the data points in each cell.
Public classPGU_DIRECTIONConstant
Public classPGU_INTERP_ORDERConstant
Interpolation direction order
Public classPGU_TRANSConstant
Transform methods for the columns
Public classPROJ_DISPLAYConstant
How to display an object
Public classQC_CRITERIONConstant
Public classQC_PLAN_TYPEConstant
Type Plan
Public classSEMPLOT_EXPORTConstant
SEMPLOT export type selection.
Public classSEMPLOT_EXTConstant
SEMPLOT file extension selection
Public classSEMPLOT_GROUP_CLASSConstant
SEMPLOT group class.
Public classSEMPLOT_PLOTConstant
SEMPLOT plot type selection.
Public classSHP_GEOM_TYPEConstant
Shape file geometry types
Public classSTK_AXISConstant
STK Axis defines
Public classSTK_FLAGConstant
Stack flags
Public classSTK_GRIDConstant
Stack Grid define
Public classSTR_DH_HOLESConstant
This declares the size of the string used in various DH GXs to store all the currently selected holes, as input to the two-panel selection tool. This should be big enough for 65,000 16-character hole names!
Public classTC_OPTConstant
Public classTC_SURVEYTYPEConstant
Survey Type
Public classTEM_ARRAYConstant
Array Type
Public classTOOL_TYPEConstant
Tool type defines
Public classTRND_NODEConstant
Node to find
Public classUTF8Constant
UTF-8 Defines
Public classVAU_PRUNEConstant
Prune Options
Public classVV_DUPConstant
Duplicate handling mode
Public classVV_XYDUPConstant
Sample handling
Public classVVU_CASEConstant
String case handling
Public classVVU_CLIPConstant
Type of clipping
Public classVVU_DUMMYREPEATConstant
How to deal with repeats
Public classVVU_INTERP_EDGEConstant
Interpolation method to use on edges
Public classVVU_INTERPConstant
Interpolation method to use
Public classVVU_LINEConstant
Line Types
Public classVVU_MASKConstant
Type of clipping
Public classVVU_MATCHConstant
Matching style
Public classVVU_MODEConstant
Statistic to select
Public classVVU_OFFSETConstant
Public classVVU_PRUNEConstant
Prune options
Public classVVU_SPLConstant
Spline types
Public classVVU_SRCHREPL_CASEConstant
Search and Replace handling of string case
Public classWINDOW_STATEConstant
Window State Options
Public classXTOOL_ALIGNConstant
XTool docking alignment flags
Public classXTOOL_DOCKConstant
XTool default docking state
Public enumerationIntConstants
Global integer constants as an enum