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CEDB Class
The EDB class provides access to a database as displayed within Oasis montaj, but does not change data within the database itself. It performs functions such as setting the current line.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
public class CEDB : CHANDLE

The CEDB type exposes the following members.

Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneApplyFormulaInternal
Apply a formula to selected cells of the current line. (Do not use this wrapper if you want to apply a formula across multiple lines) Notes: The current selection must be on cell(s) of a channel or on the a channel header. If the selection is on cell(s) of a channel, the formula is applied to only these cells. If the selection is on a channel header, the formula is applied to every cell in the channel. The given formula string must be of the form: "<NameOfCurrentChannel>=<SomeExpression>;" e.g. "x=y+1;"
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCurrent
This method returns the Current Edited Database.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCurrentIfExists
This method returns the Current Edited Database.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCurrentNoActivate
This method returns the Current Edited Database.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneDelLine0
Delete Line 0.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneDestroyView
Removes the view from the workspace.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CEDB and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetCurChanSymb
Returns the currently marked channel symbol.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetCurLineSymb
Get current line symbol.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetCurPoint
Returns the coordinates of the currently selected point in the database (first value if range selected)
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetDisplFidRange
Return the displayed fiducial start index & number of cells
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetFidRange
Returns currently displayed fid range
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetNextLineSymb
Returns the next line symbol.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetPrevLineSymb
Returns the previous line symbol.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileRangeX
Get profile X range and X channel
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileRangeY
Get profile Y range and display option
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileSplit
Get profile split for 3 windows.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileSplit5
Get profile split for 5 windows.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileSplitVV
Get profile window splits.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileVerticalGridLines
Get profile grid vertical line info.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileWindow
Get profile window size
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetProfileXAxisOptions
Get profile X-axis options
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGetWindowPosition
Get the map window's position and dock state
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGotoColumn
Move the channel marker to a specific column.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGotoElem
Goto an element in the current line.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneGotoLine
Goto to a line symbol in the editor.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneHistogram
Create histogram stats.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiAllChanList
Get a list of the all channels but in the way they are displayed.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiChannels
Returns number of displayed channels
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiDispChanList
Get a list of the displayed channel symbols.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiDispChanLST
Get a list of the displayed channel names.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiDispClassChanLST
Get a list of the displayed channels in a given channel class.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiFindChannelColumn
Find the column that contains a channel
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiFindNearest
Find the nearest point on the current line based on X,Y and Z and their projection.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurChan(String)
Get current channel name.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurChan(String, Int32)
Get current channel name.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurFidString(String)
This method returns the currently selected value at the current fid (if available).
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurFidString(String, Int32)
This method returns the currently selected value at the current fid (if available).
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurLine(String)
Get current line name.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurLine(String, Int32)
Get current line name.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiGetCurMark
Returns the current data mark info.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurrentSelection(String, String, String, String)
Get current selection information.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetCurrentSelection(String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32)
Get current selection information.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetDatabasesLST
Load the file names of open databases into a LST.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiGetMarkChanVA
Get channel data for the current mark.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiGetMarkChanVV
Get channel data for the current mark.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetName(String)
Get the name of the database object of this EDB.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneIGetName(String, Int32)
Get the name of the database object of this EDB.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiGetProfileParm
Get integer profile parameter
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiGetWindowState
Retrieve the current state of the database window
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiGetWindowYAxisDirection
Get the y-axis direction for a window
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiHaveCurrent
Checks if any database is currently loaded
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiIsLocked
Checks if the database locked
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiLoaded
Checks if a specific database is loaded.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiProfileOpen
Return TRUE or FALSE if profile window is open
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiProfileShown
Return index of first profile window in which a profile is shown
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiReadOnly
Checks if a database is currently opened in a read-only mode.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiShowProfileName
Show a profile in the profile window
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneiWindowProfiles
Get number of profiles in a window
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLaunchHistogram
Launch histogram tool on a database.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLaunchScatter
Launch scatter tool on a database.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoad
Loads a list of databases into the workspace
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneLoadAllChans
Load all channels into current database
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneLoadChan
Load a channel into current database
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadControl
Version of Load_EDB that can be used to load a database via subclassing into a Windows control.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadNew
Loads a database into the workspace, flags as new.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadNewControl
Version of LoadNew_EDB that can be used to load a database via subclassing into a Windows control.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadNoActivate
Loads documents into the workspace
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadPass
Loads a database into the editor with login and password.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadPassControl
Version of LoadPass_EDB that can be used to load a database via subclassing into a Windows control.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadWithView
Load an EDB with the view from a current EDB.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadWithViewControl
Version of LoadWithView_EDB that can be used to load a database via subclassing into a Windows control.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneLock
This method locks the Edited Database.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneMakeCurrent
Makes this EDB object the current active object to the user.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneProfileRescaleAll
Rescale all profiles in a selected window in both X and Y, based on current scaling selections
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneRemoveProfile
Remove a profile from the profile window
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyonerGetCurFid
This method returns the currently selected fiducial if the user is selecting a fiducial. If not, it returns a dummy.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyonerGetProfileParm
Get real profile parameter
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyonerGetSplit
Get split ratio between spreadsheet and profile sections.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneRunChannelMaker
Run the maker for a single channel.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneRunChannelMakers
Recreate channels with makers.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetCurLine
Set the current line name.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetCurLineNoMessage
Set Line but do not send a message.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetCurMark
Set the current mark.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileParmI
Set integer profile parameter
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileParmR
Set real profile parameter
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileRangeX
Set profile X range and X channel
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileRangeY
Set profile Y range and display option
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileSplit
Set profile split for 3 windows.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileSplit5
Set profile split for 5 windows.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileSplitVV
Set profile splits
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetProfileXAxisOptions
Set profile X-axis options
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetSplit
Set split ratio between spreadsheet and profile sections.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetWindowPosition
Get the map window's position and dock state
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetWindowState
Changes the state of the database window
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneShowProfile
Show a profile in the profile window
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatistics
Add all currently selected data to the ST.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberUnLoad
Unloads an edited database.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberUnLoadAll
Unloads all opened databases
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneUnLoadAllChans
Unload all channels into current database
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneUnLoadChan
Unload a channel into current database
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberUnLoadDiscard
Unloads a database in the workspace, discards changes.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberUnLoadVerify
Unloads an edited database, optional prompt to save.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneUnLock
This method unlocks the Edited Database.
See Also