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CDH Class
This class is used for importing and interacting with Drill Hole data files. For detailed information on Drill Hole data, see the documentation for Wholeplot.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
public class CDH : CHANDLE

The CDH type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesAddSurveyTable
Add a survey table for a new hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesAssayHoleLST
Populate an LST with holes in an assay database
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesAssayLST
Return the LST of from-to and point assay datasets
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberAutoSelectHoles
Use automatic hole selection based on slice.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesClean
Delete extraneous holes from project databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesCompositeDB
Make a composite database
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesComputeHoleXYZ
Computes XYZ for survey and assay data for a single hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesComputeSelExtent
Computes the extents for selected holes.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesComputeXYZ
Computes XYZ for survey and assay data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberConvertOldLineNames
Convert old "DD001.Assay" type lines to "DD001"
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberConvertOrientedCoreDipDirForHoleSurvey
Converted alpha/beta values in oriented cores to dip/dip direction.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesCreatChanLST
Fills a LST with available string and numeric channel code values.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberCreate
Create DH.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesCreateDefaultJob
Create a default job from scratch.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberCreateExternal
Create a DH from an external process (no montaj running).
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberCurrent
Creates a drill project from current environment.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberDatamineToCSV
Convert a Datamine drillhole file to CSV files ready for import.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesDeleteHoles
Delete a list of holes from the project.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesDepthDataLST
Fills a LST with available channel code values from Depth databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberDesurvey
Calculate survey locations and depth from a hole survey.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberDesurveyFromTo
Calculate survey locations and depth from a hole survey using from/to values
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CDH and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesExport
Exports a Drill Hole database to an external file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesExportGeodatabaseLST(CLST, String, String, String, Int32)
Exports whole or part of a Drill Hole database to an ArcGIS Geodatabase as feature class(es).
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesExportGeodatabaseLST(CLST, String, String, String, Int32, Int32)
Exports whole or part of a Drill Hole database to an ArcGIS Geodatabase as feature class(es).
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesExportLAS
Exports a Drill Hole database to a LAS v2 file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesExportLST
Exports a LST of holes in a Drill Hole database to an external file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesFlushSelect
Flush all selections to database selection engine.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesFromToDataLST
Fills a LST with available string and numeric channel code values from From-To databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetDatabasesSortedVV
Get the names of the project databases in a VV, same as GetDatabasesVV_DH but the list is sorted alphabetically.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetDatabasesVV
Get the names of the project databases in a VV.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetDataType
Get the type of data in a Wholeplot database.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetDefaultSection
Computes default section azimuths, extents for selected holes.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetGeologyContacts
Return XYZ locations of top or bottom geological surfaces
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetHoleGroup
Get the Group symbol for this hole/table combination.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetHoleSurvey
Get the Survey information of a Hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetHoleSurveyEx
Get the Survey information of a Hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetHoleSurveyFromTo
Get the Survey information of a Hole using From/To database.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetIPJ
Get the project IPJ.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetMap
Get a plotting map
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetMapNamesVV
Get plotted map names.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetMXDepositRightsInfo(CGXNETCore, Int32, String, String, String, String, String)
Get MX Deposit Service API information via Geosoft ID rights.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetMXDepositRightsInfo(CGXNETCore, Int32, String, String, String, String, String, Int32)
Get MX Deposit Service API information via Geosoft ID rights.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetNumMaps
Get the number plotting maps
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetOrientedCoreDipDir
Converted alpha/beta values in oriented cores to dip/dip direction.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetREG
Get the REG Object used in this project.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetSelectedHolesVV
Populate a VV with the indices of all selected holes
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetTableDefaultChanLST
Return list of default channels by collar/assay/survey table type.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetUniqueChannelItems
Return a VV with unique items in a channel.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesGetUniqueChannelItemsFromCollar
Return a VV with unique items in a channel.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshAssayDB
Database for an assay data set.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshAssaySymb
Line/Group symbol for a specific assay data set hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshCollarDB
Database for the collar table.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshCollarSymb
Line/Group symbol for the collar table.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshDipAzSurveyDB
Database for the Dip-Azimuth survey data
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshDipAzSurveySymb
Line/Group symbol for a specific hole Dip-Azimuth survey.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshENSurveyDB
Database for the East-North survey data
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed moduleshENSurveySymb
Line/Group symbol for a specific hole East-North survey.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesHoleLST
Populate an LST with the list of the selected holes
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesHoleLST2
Populate an LST with the list of all the holes
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiAddHole
Add a hole and return it's index.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiChanType
Return the data type for a channel code.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiCleanWillDeleteDB
See if "cleaning" will delete project databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiCompositingToolGUI
Annotate a strip log map using the compositing tool.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberICreateCollarTable(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String)
Create a collar table DB with channels set up.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberICreateCollarTable(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String, Int32)
Create a collar table DB with channels set up.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberICreateCollarTableDir(CGXNETCore, String, String, Int32, String)
Create a collar table in the specified directory.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberICreateCollarTableDir(CGXNETCore, String, String, Int32, String, Int32)
Create a collar table in the specified directory.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiDeleteWillDeleteDB
See if deleting holes will delete project databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiEditClassificationTableFileGUI(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Edit a symbol color/pattern CSV file
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiEditClassificationTableFileGUI(String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Edit a symbol color/pattern CSV file
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiFindHole
Find a hole and return it's index.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiFindHoleIntersection
Return XYZ locations of the intersection of a hole with a DEM grid.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetChanCodeInfo(String, Int32, String)
Return the assay database index and channel name from a channel code string.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetChanCodeInfo(String, Int32, String, Int32)
Return the assay database index and channel name from a channel code string.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetCollarTableDB(String)
Get the name of the database containing the collar table.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetCollarTableDB(String, Int32)
Get the name of the database containing the collar table.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetInfo(Int32, String, String)
Get Collar Information.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetInfo(Int32, String, String, Int32)
Get Collar Information.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetProjectName(String)
Get the Wholeplot project name.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetProjectName(String, Int32)
Get the Wholeplot project name.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetSectionID(CGXNETCore, Double, Double, Double, String)
Create a section ID based on its location
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetSectionID(CGXNETCore, Double, Double, Double, String, Int32)
Create a section ID based on its location
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiGetTemplateBlob
Retrieve the import template from the database.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetTemplateInfo(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String, String)
Retrieve the file, DH Table name and type from an import template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetTemplateInfo(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32)
Retrieve the file, DH Table name and type from an import template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetTemplateInfoEx(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String, String, CLST)
Retrieve the file, DH Table name, type and channel list from an import template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetTemplateInfoEx(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32, CLST)
Retrieve the file, DH Table name, type and channel list from an import template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetUnits(String, Double)
Get the positional units and conversion factor to m.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesIGetUnits(String, Int32, Double)
Get the positional units and conversion factor to m.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiGridIntersection
Algorithm to determine the intersection of a straight hole with a surface (DEM) grid.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiHaveCurrent
Returns True if a drill project is loaded
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiHoles
Return number of holes.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiHoleSelectFromListGUI
Select/Deselect holes using the two-panel selection tool.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiHoleSelectionToolGUI
Select/Deselect holes using plan map tool.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIiHaveCurrent2(CGXNETCore, String)
Returns True if a drill project is loaded, and the collar database if it is loaded.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIiHaveCurrent2(CGXNETCore, String, Int32)
Returns True if a drill project is loaded, and the collar database if it is loaded.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiIsESRI
Running inside ArcGIS?
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModify3dGUI
Modify parameters for a 3D plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyCrookedSectionHolesGUI
Modify parameters to replot holes and hole data to an existing crooked section map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyFenceGUI
Modify parameters for a section plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyHoleTraces3DGUI
Modify parameters for a hole traces plot to an existing 3D view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyHoleTracesGUI
Modify parameters for a hole traces plot to a current map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyHoleTracesGUI2
Modify parameters for a hole traces plot to a current plan or section view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyPlanGUI
Modify parameters for a plan plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyPlanHolesGUI
Modify parameters to replot holes and hole data to an existing plan map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiModifyRockCodesGUI
Modify/create a rock codes file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiModifyRockCodesGUI2
Modify/create a rock codes file, channel population option.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifySectionGUI
Modify parameters for a section plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifySectionHolesGUI
Modify parameters to replot holes and hole data to an existing section map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyStackedSectionGUI
Modify parameters for a section plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiModifyStripLogGUI
Modify parameters for a strip log plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiModifyStructureCodesGUI
Modify/create a structure codes file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiModifyStructureCodesGUI2
Modify/create a structure codes file, channel population option.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberImport2
Imports data into a Drill Hole Database (obsolete).
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesImportLAS
Imports LAS Data into a DH database
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiNumAssays
Number of assay datasets.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiNumSelectedHoles
Returns number of selected holes.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiQADipAzCurvatureLST
Do QA/QC Curvature checking on Dip Azimuth data for holes in a LST.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiQADipAzSurveyLST
Do QA/QC on Dip/Az Survey data for holes in a LST.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiQAEastNorthCurvatureLST
Do QA/QC Curvature checking on Dip Azimuth data for holes in a LST.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiQAEastNorthSurveyLST
Do QA/QC on East/North Survey data for holes in a LST.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiSliceSelectionToolGUI
Select a slice with the holes in context. An optional 4 point area of interest (AOI) can be added to be represented in the UI too.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiUpdateSurveyFromCollar
Update the Survey table from the collar info.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesLithoGrid3D
Create a lithology voxel grid with lith codes mapped to single values.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesLoadDataParametersINI
Load data parameters from INI files..
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesLoadPlotParameters
Load parameters from a Job into the Drill object.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesLoadSelect
Load selections to from a file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesMaskPLY
Set mask channel based on view selection polygon.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberNavigateToMXDeposit
Navigate to MX Deposit portal
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesNumericChanLST
Fills a LST with available numeric channel code values.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesNumericFromToDataLST
Fills a LST with available numeric channel code values from From-To databases..
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberOpen
Open DH from collar database and load all associated databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesOpenJob
Open a DH plotting job
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesPlotHolesOnSection
Plot the currently selected holes on an existing section view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesPlotHoleTraces
Plot hole traces to a regular (plan) map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesPlotHoleTraces3D
Plot hole traces to an existing 3D map view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesPlotSymbols3D
Plot 3D symbols to an existing 3D map view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesPunchGridHoles
Dummy out locations in a grid around non-contact holes.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQACollar
Do QA/QC on Hole Collar data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQACollarLST
Do QA/QC on Hole Collar data - LST of holes.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQADipAzCurvature
Do QA/QC Curvature checking on Dip Azimuth data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQADipAzCurvature2
Do QA/QC Curvature checking on Dip Azimuth data for a single hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQADipAzSurvey
Do QA/QC on Dip/Az Survey data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQAEastNorthCurvature
Do QA/QC Curvature checking on Dip Azimuth data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQAEastNorthCurvature2
Do QA/QC Curvature checking on Dip Azimuth data for a single hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQAEastNorthSurvey
Do QA/QC on East/North Survey data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQAFromToData
Do QA/QC on From/To data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQAPointData
Do QA/QC on Point data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesQAWriteUnregisteredHoles
Write out unregistered holes in a database.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesReplotHoles
Replot holes on an existing drill map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesReSurveyEastNorth
Resurvey an East-North-RL survey.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesReSurveyPolFit
Use the polynomial fit resurveying method.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesReSurveyRadCurve
Use radius of curvature resurveying method.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesReSurveyStraight
Resurvey a straight hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesReSurveyStraightSeg
Resurvey a hole with straight segments between locations.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSaveDataParametersINI
Save data parameters to INI files..
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSaveJob
Save a DH plotting job
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSaveSelect
Saves current selections to a file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSectionWindowSizeMM
Deterine the size, in mm, of the section window
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSelectAllHoles
Select all the holes in a Drill hole project.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSelectHoles
Select holes by hole indices.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSelectName
Select holes using a name mask.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSelectPLY
Select all holes in PLY (Polygon) object.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSelectPLY2
Select holes in PLY (Polygon) object with options.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetCrookedSectionIPJ
Pass the Crooked projection required for plotting to a crooked section.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetCurrentViewName
Set the current map view name.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetInfo
Set Collar Information.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetIPJ
Set the project IPJ.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetMAP
Store the current MAP to the DH object.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetNewIPJ
Set a new project database projection to collar table projection.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSetSelectedHolesVV
Set hole selection using hole indices.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSetTemplateBlob
Store the import template to the database.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSignificantIntersectionsDB
Make a report of Significant Intersections
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStringChanLST
Fills a LST with available string channel code values.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStringFromToDataLST
Fills a LST with available string-type channel code values from From-To databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesSurfaceIntersections
Determine intersections of drillholes with a surface.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesTestImportLAS
Tests import of LAS Data for problems.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesUnSelectAllHoles
Unselect all the holes in a Drill hole project.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesUnSelectedHoleLST
Populate an LST with the list of the unselected holes
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesUpdateCollarTable
Update all collar table information.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesUpdateHoleExtent
Update extents for one hole.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesWholeplot
Run a Wholeplot plot job.
See Also