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Oasis montaj implementation of RTE SEMPLOT
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
public static class CSEMPLOT

The CSEMPLOT type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberApplyFilterToMask
Apply the filter to the mask channel
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberConvertDummies
Convert dummies to zero values for assay channels.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberCreateGroups
Group data by anomaly or string channel - Interactive.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberDefaultGroups
Group data by selected anomalies.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberEditMapPlotParameters
Alter parameters in an XYplot Triplot map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberEditPlotComponents
Set group names and channels to plot in a template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberEditPlotParameters
Set TriPlot parameters in a template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberExportOverlay
Create overlay map and file from a group.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberExportView
Create a "View" database
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberExportView2
Create a "View" database, with channel selection
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberFilterLST
Fill a LST with existing SEMPLOT filters
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberFilterMineralPosData
Filter raw data by position and mineral values
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetAssociatedLST
Get the associated channels for this group in a LST
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetCurrentMineralLST
Retrieve LST of minerals in selected lines.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetCurrentPositionLST
Retrieve LST of positions in selected lines.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetFullMineralLST
Retrieve LST of all minerals in Semplot_Minerals.csv
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetFullPositionLST
Retrieve LST of all possible mineral positions.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberGetGroupingLST
Get list of items to group symbols by.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiCreateASCIITemplate
: Generate ASCII import template automatically
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiCreateDatabaseTemplate
Generate database import template automatically
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiEditFilter
Edit and create filter on channel values
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetMineralChannelName(CGXNETCore, CDB, String)
Retrieve the mineral channel name.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIGetMineralChannelName(CGXNETCore, CDB, String, Int32)
Retrieve the mineral channel name.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIImportAsciiWizard(CGXNETCore, String, String, String)
Generate a SEMPLOT ASCII import template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIImportAsciiWizard(CGXNETCore, String, String, String, Int32)
Generate a SEMPLOT ASCII import template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIImportDatabaseODBC(CGXNETCore, String, String)
Generate a template file for importing ODBC databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberIImportDatabaseODBC(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, String, Int32)
Generate a template file for importing ODBC databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberImportBIN
Import blocked binary or archive ASCII data
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberImportDatabaseADO
Generate a template file for importing semplot databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberInitGroupSymbolsUsed
Initializes memory of symbols used in plotting.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiTemplateType
Create a new XYPlot or TriPlot template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiViewType
Test to see if a view is an XYPlot or Triplot view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberMineralID
Identify minerals from the oxide channels.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberNewFilter
Create a new selection filter.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberNewTemplate
Create a new XYPlot or TriPlot template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberOverlayLST
Fill a list with the available plot overlay names
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberPlot
Plot an XYPlot or TriPlot based on the template.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberPlotSymbolLegend
Plot a symbol legend in a view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberPropSymb
Plot a proportional symbol plot.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberReplot
Replot an existing SEMPLOT plot based on current data.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberRePlotSymbolLegend
Replot a symbol legend in a view.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberResetGroups
Re-group data using current settings.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberResetUsedChannel
Set the "Plotted" channel to dummies
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSelectPoly
Select data from a polygonal area on a map.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSetChannelOrder
Sets preset channel order.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSetChannelUnits
Set units for oxides (%) and elements (ppm)
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSetITR
Put ITR into a channel.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSetMask
Set the mask channel ON or OFF.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberSortData
Sort data by Sample No, Grain and Position
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberTemplateLST
Fill a list with the available plot template names
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberTileWindows
Tile currently maximimized windows.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberTotalOxides
Calculate the total oxides channel.
See Also