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CDB Methods

The CDB type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAssociatedLoad
Add this channel to the auto-load feature of the group.
Public methodAddComment
Add a comment with a string to the activity log of the database.
Public methodAddIntComment
Add a comment with an integer to the activity log of the database.
Public methodAddRealComment
Add a comment with a float value to the activity log of the database.
Public methodAddTimeComment
Add a comment with the date and time to the activity log of the database.
Public methodArrayLST
Load a LST object with array (VA) channel symbols.
Public methodArraySizeLST
Load a LST object with array (VA) channel symbols with a particular number of columns.
Public methodAssociate
Associate a channel with a group.
Public methodAssociateAll
Associate all channels with a group.
Public methodAssociateClass
Associate a channel with all groups of a specific class.
Public methodChanLST
Load a LST with database channels.
Public methodClassChanLST
Load a LST with channels in a particular class.
Public methodClassGroupLST
Load a LST with group lines in a particular class.
Public methodCommit
This method forces all changes to the database to be saved.
Public methodCompact
Removes any extra space from the database. This will reduce the database to its smallest size.
Public methodCopyData
This method copies the data from one channel to another on on the specified line. The data is converted if such conversion in neccessary.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
This method makes a brand new database of the specified size. The database is opened in ReadWrite Mode.
Public methodStatic memberCreateComp
This method makes a brand new database of the specified size. The database is opened in ReadWrite Mode. Also allows you to set paging size and the Compression Level.
Public methodCreateDup
This method makes a brand new database identical to the input Database in-size. The database is opened in ReadWrite Mode.
Public methodCreateDupComp
This method makes a brand new database identical to the input Database in-size except it changes the compression. The database is opened in ReadWrite Mode.
Public methodStatic memberCreateEx
This method makes a brand new database of the specified size. The database is opened in ReadWrite Mode. Also allows you to set paging size.
Public methodCreateSymb
Create a new Symbol.
Public methodCreateSymbEx
Create a new Symbol.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSymbLST
Create a LST object large enough to contain channel names and symbols numbers.
Public methodCSVChanLST
Load a LST with channels in a comma-separated list.
Public methodDeleteSymb
This method destroys a symbol in the database and all the data associated with it. The symbol's lock is automatically removed.
Public methodDelLine0
Delete Empty Line 0.
Public methodDiscard
This method discards all changes made to the database since the last commit or opening.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodDupLineSymb
Duplicate a line symbol from a group or line symbol. The new name must not already exist in the database.
Public methodDupSymb
New Symbol by duplicating an existing symbol, LOCKED
Public methodDupSymbAcross
Create a new Symbol by duplicating an existing symbol. exactly the same type but in output database. The symbol must not already exist in the output database.
Public methodDupSymbNoLock
New Symbol by duplicating an existing symbol, NO LOCK.
Public methodEasyMakerSymb
Adds a Maker to the database symbol based on current GX
Public methodFindChan
Get handle to the specified channel.
Public methodFindSymb
Get handle to the specified symbol.
Public methodFirstSelLine
This method will return a handle to the first selected line in the database.
Public methodStatic memberGenValidChanSymb(CGXNETCore, String, String)
Generate a valid channel name from a name candidate
Public methodStatic memberGenValidChanSymb(CGXNETCore, String, String, Int32)
Generate a valid channel name from a name candidate
Public methodStatic memberGenValidLineSymb(CGXNETCore, String, String)
Generate a valid line symb name string from given string.
Public methodStatic memberGenValidLineSymb(CGXNETCore, String, String, Int32)
Generate a valid line symb name string from given string.
Public methodGetChanOrderLST
This method gets the channel display order for a database. The list will be stored in an LST object. In order to modify this displayed channels list, call SetChanOrderLST_DB after.
Public methodGetChanStr(Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Get individual elements in a channel.
Public methodGetChanStr(Int32, Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
Get individual elements in a channel.
Public methodGetChanVA
Place the contents of a channel in a VA.
Public methodGetChanVV
Place the contents of a channel in a VV.
Public methodGetChanVVExpanded
Read a channel into a VV. If the channel is a VA channel it is treaded as a VV channel with multiple values per fid and the FID expation is set to the array size.
Public methodGetIPJ
Get georeference information in an IPJ.
Public methodGetITR
Get ITR for a channel.
Public methodGetLineMapFid
This method gets a line map clip fiducial.
Public methodGetMETA
Get the metadata of a database.
Public methodGetRegSymb
Get a REG object from a symbol
Public methodGetRegSymbSetting(Int32, String, String)
Get a REG string setting from a symbol reg
Public methodGetRegSymbSetting(Int32, String, String, Int32)
Get a REG string setting from a symbol reg
Public methodGetSelect
Gets the Line Selections.
Public methodGetVABaseCoordinateInfo(Int32, Int32, Double, CVV, String)
Set the array channel base coordinate type, offset and values.
Public methodGetVABaseCoordinateInfo(Int32, Int32, Double, CVV, String, Int32)
Set the array channel base coordinate type, offset and values.
Public methodGetVaChanVV
Place the contents of a specific part of a channel in a VV.
Public methodGetVAScaling
Get base and range for VA channel cell display.
Public methodGetVAWindows
Get the range of windows displayed for a VA channel.
Public methodGetXYZChanSymb
Searches for current X, Y or Z channel symbol
Public methodStatic memberGrow
Enlarges the database.
Public methodiBlobsMax
Gets Maximum Number of Blobs in the Database
Public methodStatic memberiCanOpen
This method checks whether it is possible to open a database.
Public methodStatic memberiCanOpenReadOnly
This method checks whether it is possible to open a database in read-only mode.
Public methodiChansMax
Gets Maximum Number of Channels in the Database
Public methodiCheck
Does an integrity check of the data in the database to ensure it is valid.
Public methodiClassChanList
Place a list of channels for a given class in a VV.
Public methodiCountSelLines
This method counts the number of selected lines in the database.
Public methodiExistChan
See if the specified channel exists in the database.
Public methodiExistSymb
This method checks to see if the specified symbol exists in the database.
Public methodIFormatChan(Int32, Double, String)
Format a real value based on a channel format.
Public methodIFormatChan(Int32, Double, String, Int32)
Format a real value based on a channel format.
Public methodiGetChanArraySize
This method Gets a channel's array size for a given channel handle.
Public methodIGetChanClass(Int32, String)
This method gets a channel's label
Public methodIGetChanClass(Int32, String, Int32)
This method gets a channel's label
Public methodiGetChanDecimal
This method gets a channel's number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.
Public methodiGetChanFormat
This method Gets a channel's display format for a given channel handle.
Public methodiGetChanInt
Get individual elements in a channel.
Public methodIGetChanLabel(Int32, String)
This method gets a channel's label
Public methodIGetChanLabel(Int32, String, Int32)
This method gets a channel's label
Public methodIGetChanName(Int32, String)
This method Gets a channel's name for a given channel handle.
Public methodIGetChanName(Int32, String, Int32)
This method Gets a channel's name for a given channel handle.
Public methodiGetChannelLength
Returns the # of elements in a channel.
Public methodiGetChanProtect
This method gets a channel's read-only protection status.
Public methodiGetChanType
This method Gets a channel's type for a given channel handle.
Public methodIGetChanUnit(Int32, String)
This method Gets a channel's unit
Public methodIGetChanUnit(Int32, String, Int32)
This method Gets a channel's unit
Public methodiGetChanWidth
This method gets a channel's display width for a given channel handle.
Public methodiGetColVA
Returns the # of columns in a VA channel.
Public methodIGetGroupClass(Int32, String)
Set the Class name for a group line.
Public methodIGetGroupClass(Int32, String, Int32)
Set the Class name for a group line.
Public methodiGetInfo
Get information about the database.
Public methodiGetLineSelection
Get the selection status for a line.
Public methodiGetModificationCount
Gets the modification count from the database.
Public methodIGetName(Int32, String)
Gets a name from the database.
Public methodIGetName(Int32, String, Int32)
Gets a name from the database.
Public methodiGetRegSymbSetting
Get an integer-valued REG setting from a symbol reg
Public methodiGetSymbLock
Determines if a symbol is locked
Public methodIGetSymbName(Int32, String)
This method gets a symbol's name
Public methodIGetSymbName(Int32, String, Int32)
This method gets a symbol's name
Public methodIGetVAProfColorFile(Int32, String)
Get colors for a VA channel when displayed in the profile window.
Public methodIGetVAProfColorFile(Int32, String, Int32)
Get colors for a VA channel when displayed in the profile window.
Public methodIGetVAProfSectOption(Int32, String)
Get the display options of VA channels
Public methodIGetVAProfSectOption(Int32, String, Int32)
Get the display options of VA channels
Public methodIGetVASectColorFile(Int32, String)
Get colors for a VA channel when displayed section in the profile window.
Public methodIGetVASectColorFile(Int32, String, Int32)
Get colors for a VA channel when displayed section in the profile window.
Public methodIGetXYZChan(Int32, String)
Gets current X, Y or Z channel name
Public methodIGetXYZChan(Int32, String, Int32)
Gets current X, Y or Z channel name
Public methodiHaveITR
Returns TRUE if channel has an ITR.
Public methodIiCoordPair(String, String)
Get the matching coordinate pair of a channel.
Public methodIiCoordPair(String, String, Int32)
Get the matching coordinate pair of a channel.
Public methodiIsAssociated
Check to see if a channel is associated with group.
Public methodStatic memberiIsChanName
Is this a valid channel name?
Public methodiIsChanValid
This method checks to see if the channel handle is a valid channel.
Public methodiIsEmpty
See if a database contains only empty lines.
Public methodiIsLineEmpty
See if a specific line in the database is empty.
Public methodStatic memberiIsLineName
Is this a valid line name.
Public methodiIsLineValid
This method checks to see if the line handle returned by the Line methods is a valid line.
Public methodiIsWholeplot
Is this a Wholeplot database?
Public methodiLineCategory
This method returns the category (group, line) of a line.
Public methodiLineFlight
This method returns the flight number of a line.
Public methodILineLabel(Int32, String, Int32)
Create a line label
Public methodILineLabel(Int32, String, Int32, Int32)
Create a line label
Public methodiLineNumber
This method returns the number of a line.
Public methodILineNumber2(Int32, String)
Returns the string form of the line number (can be alphanumeric)
Public methodILineNumber2(Int32, String, Int32)
Returns the string form of the line number (can be alphanumeric)
Public methodiLinesMax
Gets Maximum number of lines in the database
Public methodiLineType
This method returns the type of a line.
Public methodiLineVersion
This method returns the version number of a line.
Public methodStatic memberISetLineName(CGXNETCore, Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
This method sets up a line name given the line's number, type, and version.
Public methodStatic memberISetLineName(CGXNETCore, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
This method sets up a line name given the line's number, type, and version.
Public methodStatic memberISetLineName2(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, Int32, String)
Like SetLineName_DB, but can use alphanumeric for line number
Public methodStatic memberISetLineName2(CGXNETCore, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
Like SetLineName_DB, but can use alphanumeric for line number
Public methodiSymbList
Place a list of symbols in a VV.
Public methodiUsersMax
Gets Maximum number of Users
Public methodiValidSymb
This method checks to see if the specified symbol is a valid symbol in the database.
Public methodLineLST
Load a LST with database lines.
Public methodLoadSelect
Load selections to from a file.
Public methodLockSymb
Locks a symbol for READONLY or READWRITE.
Public methodMakerSymb
Adds a Maker to the database symbol
Public methodMaskChanLST
Load a LST with mask channels.
Public methodNextSelLine
This method will advance to the next selected line based on the currently selected line handle.
Public methodNonStringAndNonArrayChanLST
Load a LST with non-string and non-array database channels.
Public methodNormalChanLST
Load a LST with non-array database channels.
Public methodStatic memberOpen
This method opens a database.
Public methodStatic memberOpenReadOnly
This method opens a database.
Public methodPutChanVA
Place the contents of a VA in a channel.
Public methodPutChanVV
Place the contents of a VV in a channel.
Public methodPutVaChanVV
Place the contents of a VV at a specific part of a channel.
Public methodReadBlobBF
Read a blob from a database into a file.
Public methodRenameLine
Change the name for a line.
Public methodStatic memberRepair
Cleans the database by removing invalid blocks
Public methodrGetChanReal
Get individual elements in a channel.
Public methodrGetFidIncr
This method returns the fiducial increment value of a specified Channel.
Public methodrGetFidStart
This method returns the fiducial start value of a specified Channel.
Public methodrGetRegSymbSetting
Get a real-valued REG setting from a symbol reg
Public methodrLineBearing
This method returns the bearing of a line.
Public methodrLineDate
This method returns the date of a line.
Public methodSaveSelect
Saves current selections to a file.
Public methodSelect
Select/deselect lines based on selection string
Public methodSelectedLineLST
Load a LST with the selected lines.
Public methodSetAllChanProtect
This method sets all the channels' read-only protection status.
Public methodSetChanClass
Set a channel class
Public methodSetChanDecimal
This method sets a channel's number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.
Public methodSetChanFormat
This method sets a channel's display format.
Public methodSetChanInt
Set individual elements in a channel.
Public methodSetChanLabel
Set a channel label
Public methodSetChanName
This method sets a channel's name.
Public methodSetChanOrderLST
This method sets the channel display order for a database. The list to modify will be stored in an LST object. Call GetChanOrderLST_DB to populate the LST.
Public methodSetChanProtect
This method sets a channel's read-only protection status.
Public methodSetChanReal
Set individual elements in a channel.
Public methodSetChanStr
Set individual elements in a channel.
Public methodSetChanUnit
This method sets a channel's unit for a given channel handle.
Public methodSetChanWidth
This method sets a channel's display width
Public methodSetFid
This method allows the user to set the fiducial start and increment of a channel. The Increment should never be 0.
Public methodSetGroupClass
Set the Class name for a group line.
Public methodSetIPJ
Set an IPJ object into a pair of (X, Y) channels
Public methodSetITR
Set ITR for a channel.
Public methodSetLineBearing
Sets a line's bearing.
Public methodSetLineDate
This method sets a line's date.
Public methodSetLineFlight
This method sets a line's flight.
Public methodSetLineMapFid
This method changes a line map clip fiducial.
Public methodSetLineNum
This method sets a line's number.
Public methodSetLineSelection
Set the selection status for a line.
Public methodSetLineType
This method sets a line's type.
Public methodSetLineVer
This method sets a line's version.
Public methodSetMETA
Set the metadata of a database.
Public methodSetRegSymb
Set a REG object into a symbol
Public methodSetRegSymbSetting
Set a REG string setting in a symbol reg
Public methodSetSelect
Sets the Line Selections.
Public methodSetVABaseCoordinateInfo
Set the array channel base coordinate type, offset and values.
Public methodSetVAProfColorFile
Set colors for a VA channel when displayed in the profile window.
Public methodSetVAProfSectOption
Set the display options of VA channels
Public methodSetVAScaling
Set base and range for VA channel cell display.
Public methodSetVASectColorFile
Set colors for a VA channel when displayed section in the profile window.
Public methodSetVAWindows
Set the range of windows to display for a VA channel.
Public methodSetXYZChan
Sets current X, Y or Z channel name
Public methodStringChanLST
Load a LST with string-type channels.
Public methodSymbLST
Populate a LST with database symbols.
Public methodSync
Syncronize the Metadata from this database to the XML
Public methodUnLockAllSymb
UnLocks all symbols.
Public methodUnLockSymb
UnLocks a symbol.
Public methodWindowVACh
Copy a window of data in a channel into a new channel
Public methodWindowVACh2
Copy a windowed version of data in a channel into a new channel
Public methodWriteBlobBF
Write a blob from a file into a database.
See Also