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CDBCreateSymbEx Method

Create a new Symbol.

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public int CreateSymbEx(
	string name,
	int symb,
	int owner,
	int category,
	int extra

public int CreateSymbEx(
	string name,
	int symb,
	int owner,
	int category,
	int extra


Type: SystemString
Symbol Name
Type: SystemInt32
Type: SystemInt32
Type: SystemInt32
<define>DB_CATEGORY_USER</define>, <define>DB_CATEGORY_LINE</define>, <define>DB_CATEGORY_CHAN</define>, <define>DB_CATEGORY_BLOB</define>
Type: SystemInt32
Extra info, which depends on <define>DB_SYMB_TYPE</define> <define>DB_SYMB_CHAN</define> - element width for a VA channel ignores for all other <define>DB_SYMB_TYPE</define> types

Return Value

Type: Int32
DB_SYMB handle.
If symbol already exits it is returned. STRING-type channels: To create a string-type channel, enter a negative number for the channel category below. For instance, "-32" will create a string channel with 32 characters per item. Symbol name for <define>DB_CATEGORY_LINE_FLIGHT</define> must conform to the following line naming syntax: [type][number.version:flight] Type can be: L - normal line B - base line T - tie line R - trend line S - test line P - special line Examples: L100, T100.1:16 Note the "Flight" is any whole number that may be useful to differentiate processing tasks. The ability to create a VA channel is not available in the free interface and requires a Montaj license.
See Also