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CDUBreakLineToGroups Method
Break up a line into group-lines based on a channel.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.1.8
License: Available to anyone with an Oasis Montaj license.  

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
The original line will be deleted. This is similar to BreakLine_DU, but the output lines are "group" lines, without the line type letters at the start. (See db.gxh for information of Group Lines). All channels are associated with each group line, and the input class name is assigned to each group. Class names for groups ensure that (for instance) if you add a new channel to one group of a given class, it will get added to all other groups in the same class. If the class name is left empty, then this will NOT be true. (Groups without class names are treated as isolated entities for the purposes of channel loading).
public static void BreakLineToGroups(
	CGXNETCore gxNetShared,
	CDB db,
	int line,
	int chan,
	string cl


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCGXNETCore
A shared CGXNETCore
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCDB
Type: SystemInt32
Line to be broken up [<define>DB_LOCK_READONLY</define>]
Type: SystemInt32
Channel containing line numbers [<define>DB_LOCK_READONLY</define>]
Type: SystemString
Class name for new group lines (can be "")
See Also