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CMATH Methods

The CMATH type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCrossProduct
Cross product of two vectors.
Public methodStatic memberiAbs
Calculate absolute value
Public methodStatic memberiAnd
Return the unary operation result of A & B Returns an integer number If A or B is a dummy, returns dummy.
Public methodStatic memberiMod
Calculates the modulus of two integers
Public methodStatic memberiOr
Return the unary operation result of A | B Returns an integer number If A or B is a dummy, returns dummy.
Public methodStatic memberiRound
Round to the nearest whole number
Public methodStatic memberiXor
Return the unary operation result of A ^ B Returns an integer number If A or B is a dummy, returns dummy.
Public methodStatic memberNicerLogScale
Finds nicer min, max values for logarithmic plot scales.
Public methodStatic memberNicerScale
Compute a nicer scale for a given min and max.
Public methodStatic memberNormalise3D
Scale a vector to unit length.
Public methodStatic memberrAbs
Calculate absolute value
Public methodStatic memberrArcCos
Calculate the arccosine
Public methodStatic memberrArcSin
Calculate the arcsin
Public methodStatic memberrArcTan
Calculate the arctan
Public methodStatic memberrArcTan2
Calculate ArcTan(Y/X)
Public methodStatic memberrCeil
Calculates the ceiling of the value
Public methodStatic memberrCos
Calculate the cosine
Public methodStatic memberrDotProduct3D
Compute Dot product of two vectors.
Public methodStatic memberrExp
Calculate e raised to the power of X
Public methodStatic memberrFloor
Calculates the floor of the value
Public methodStatic memberrHypot
sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)
Public methodStatic memberrLambdaTrans
Performs lambda transform on a value.
Public methodStatic memberrLambdaTransRev
Performs a reverse lambda transform on a value.
Public methodStatic memberrLog
Calculate the natural log
Public methodStatic memberrLog10
Calculate the base 10 log
Public methodStatic memberrLogZ
Given a Z value and the Log style and Log Minimum this function will return the log value.
Public methodStatic memberrMod
Calculates the modulus of two reals (A mod B)
Public methodStatic memberRotateVector
Rotate a vector about an axis.
Public methodStatic memberrPow
Calculate X raised to the power of Y
Public methodStatic memberrRand
Get a random number between 0 and 1
Public methodStatic memberrRound
Round to n significant digits
Public methodStatic memberrSign
Determine return value based on value of Z1
Public methodStatic memberrSin
Calculate the sin
Public methodStatic memberrSqrt
Calculate the square root
Public methodStatic memberrTan
Calculate the tangent
Public methodStatic memberrUnLogZ
Inverse of rLogZ
Public methodStatic memberSRand
Seed the random-number generator with current time
See Also