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A more compact and extensible form of LogGridPointsZExFromGDB_MULTIGRID3DUTIL.

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public static void KrigFromGDB(
	CGXNETCore gxNetShared,
	string name,
	double cell_size,
	int type,
	CDB db,
	int x_channel,
	int y_channel,
	int z_channel,
	int data_channel,
	CIPJ ipj,
	CREG reg

public static void KrigFromGDB(
	CGXNETCore gxNetShared,
	string name,
	double cell_size,
	int type,
	CDB db,
	int x_channel,
	int y_channel,
	int z_channel,
	int data_channel,
	CIPJ ipj,
	CREG reg


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX.CGXNETCore
A shared CGXNETCore
Type: System.String
Output grid3d filename
Type: System.Double
Cell size (DUMMY for default)
Type: System.Int32
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX.CDB
Type: System.Int32
X channel [<define>DB_LOCK_READONLY</define>]
Type: System.Int32
Y channel [<define>DB_LOCK_READONLY</define>]
Type: System.Int32
Z channel [<define>DB_LOCK_READONLY</define>]
Type: System.Int32
Data channel [<define>DB_LOCK_READONLY</define>]
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX.CIPJ
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX.CREG
Optional Parameters. If these values are not set in the REG, then default parameters will be used. ERROR_VOXEL: Output error grid3d filename ("" for none) CELLSIZEZ: Z Cell size string (space delimited, "" for default) RADIUS_MIN: Minimum Search Radius (REAL) (Default = 4) (Blanking Distance) RADIUS_MAX: Maximum Search Radius (REAL) (Default = 16) SEARCH_MIN: Minimum Search Points (INT) (Default = 16) SEARCH_MAX: Maximum Search Points (INT) (Default = 32) VARIOGRAM_ONLY: Set to 1 to calculate the variogram only (INT) (Default = 0) MODEL: Variogram Model number 1-power, 2-sperical, 3-gaussian, 4-exponential (INT) (Default = 2) POWER: Power (Default = DUMMY) SLOPE: Slope (REAL) (if input is DUMMY, value calculated and set on return) RANGE: Range (REAL) (if input is DUMMY, value calculated and set on return) SILL : Sill (REAL) (if input is DUMMY, value calculated and set on return) STRIKE: Strike (REAL) (Default = 0) DIP: Dip (REAL) (Default = 90) PLUNGE: Plunge (REAL) (Default = 0) STRIKE WEIGHT: Along-Strike Weight (REAL) (Default = 1) DIP_WEIGHT: Down-Dip Weight (REAL) (Default = 1) LOG_OPT: One of <define>VOX_GRID_LOGOPT</define> (Default = 0) MIN_LOG: Log Minimum (REAL) (Default = 1) MIN_X: Minimum X (REAL) (default = DUMMY to determine from the data. If input, nearest lt. or eq. multiple of cell size chosen) MAX_X: Maximum X (REAL) (default = DUMMY to determine from the data. If input, nearest gt. or eq. multiple of cell size chosen) MIN_Y: Minimum Y (REAL) (default = DUMMY to determine from the data. If input, nearest lt. or eq. external multiple of cell size chosen) MAX_Y: Maximum Y (REAL) (default = DUMMY to determine from the data. If input, nearest gt. or eq. multiple of cell size chosen) MIN_Z: Minimum Z (REAL) (default = DUMMY to determine from the data. If input, nearest lt. or eq. multiple of cell size chosen) MAX_Z: Maximum Z (REAL) (default = DUMMY to determine from the data. If input, nearest gt. or eq. multiple of cell size chosen)A more compact and extensible form of LogGridPointsZEx_VOX. Only the most basic parameters are entered directly. Optional parameters are passed via a REG object.
See Also