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CRGRD Methods

The CRGRD type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesClear
Clears all the parameters in a RGRD object
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberCreate
Create a handle to a Rangrid object
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberCreateIMG
Run Rangrid directly on XYZ VV data, output to an IMG.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiDefault
Set the defaults.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiLoadParms
Retrieves a Rangrid object's control parameters from a file, or sets the parameters to default if the file doesn't exist.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiRun
Executes the Rangrid program, using the input channel and output file parameters.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberiRun2
Executes the Rangrid program directly on a database.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesiSaveParms
Puts the Rangrid object's control parameters back into its control file.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberRunList
Executes the Rangrid program from a list of databases.
Public methodAvailable to specially licensed modulesStatic memberRunVV
Executes the Rangrid program directly on input data VVs.
See Also