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CVVUOffsetCorrectXYZ Method
Correct locations based on heading and fixed offset.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 9.0
License: Available to anyone with an Oasis Montaj license.  

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
In many applications, measurements are taken with an instrument which is towed behind, or pushed ahead of where the locations are recorded. Use this function to estimate the actual location of the instrument. The method determines the heading along the line, using a "thinned" version of the line. The default degree of thinning is based on the size of the offset; the larger the offset, the greater the distance between sample locations used to construct the thinned lined used for determining headings. The thinned line is splined at a frequency greater than the sample frequency, and the heading at any given point is determined from the vector formed by the closest two points on the splined line. The correction (behind, in front, left or right) is determined with respect to the heading, and added to the original location. IF this method fails, no dummies, no duplicated locations, no reversals are produced. The algorithm: 1. Determine average distance between each point = D 2. Default smoothing interval = MAX(2*D, Offset distance) = I 3. Thin input points to be at least the smoothing interval I apart from each other. 4. Smoothly re-interpolate the thinned points at five times the original average distance D. 5. For each input point, calculate the bearing using the nearest points on the smoothed curve
public static void OffsetCorrectXYZ(
	CGXNETCore gxNetShared,
	CVV vv_xi,
	CVV vv_yi,
	CVV vv_zi,
	double x_off,
	double y_off,
	double z_off,
	double interval,
	CVV v_vxo,
	CVV v_vyo,
	CVV v_vzo


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCGXNETCore
A shared CGXNETCore
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Input X
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Input Y
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Input Z
Type: SystemDouble
Offset along-track (+ve forward)
Type: SystemDouble
Offset across-track (+ve to the right)
Type: SystemDouble
Vertical Offset (+ve up)
Type: SystemDouble
Sampling interval - <define>rDUMMY</define> for default
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Output X
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Output Y
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Output Z
See Also