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CDGWSetTitle Method
Changes the title of the dialog.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0
Limitations: May not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line program.  
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
A "Special", additional title can be added to a dialog by passing a title to SetTitle_DGW with the following syntax: "Window Title\nAdditional Title" In the title argument, a line break character '\n' is used to separate the parts. The window title free_appears as the title in the upper bar of the dialog. The additional title free_appears below this, in the main body of the dialog, and is separated from the rest of the fields by a horizontal line. It is printed in the bold version of the default font (or of the special font specified using the MONTAJ.GX_TITLE_FONT parameter noted above in "Setting Fonts in GX dialogs."
public void SetTitle(
	string title


Type: SystemString
Title to set
See Also