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CBIGRIDiLoadParms Method
Retrieves a Bigrid object's control parameters from a file, or sets the parameters to default if the file doesn't exist.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0
License: Available to specially licensed modules.  

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll)
If the control file name passed into this function is a file which does not exist, then the defaults for a Bigrid control file will be generated and put into the BIGRID object. Otherwise, the control file's settings are retrieved from the file and loaded into the BIGRID object.
public int iLoadParms(
	string file


Type: SystemString
Name of file to get the parameter settings from

Return Value

Type: Int32
0 - Ok 1 - Error
See Also