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A view (MVIEW class) has a 2-D/3-D translation matrix, a map projection and a clip region. A view contains any number of "groups", and each "group" contains one or more graphics elements (entities). Different types of groups will contain different types of entities:
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
public class CMVIEW : CHANDLE

The CMVIEW type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyoneAggregate
Add an aggregate to a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneArc
Draw an arc.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneAxisX
Draw an X axis
Public methodAvailable to anyoneAxisY
Draw a Y axis
Public methodAvailable to anyoneBestFitWindow
Fit an area in ground coordinates centered to an area in mm on map or vise versa keeping X and Y scales the same.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneBox3D
Draw a 3D box
Public methodAvailable to anyoneChangeLineMessage
Change the specified line in a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneChord
Draw a filled arc.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClassifiedSymbols
Plot classified symbols
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClearESRILDTs
Clear ESRI local datum transformations currently in use.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipClear
Remove/clear the view clip region.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipGroups
Set the Clipping mode on/off for all groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipMarkedGroups
Set the Clipping mode on/off for marked groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipMode
Set the view clipping mode on or off.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipPoly
Add a polygon to the clip region.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipPolyEx
Add a polygon to the clip region.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipRect
Add a rectangle to the clip region.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClipRectEx
Add a rectangle to the clip region.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberColor2RGB
Convert to RGB values.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberColorDescr
Convert a colour to a colour string label
Public methodAvailable to anyoneColSymbol
Add a colored symbol object to a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneComplexPolygon
Draw a polygon with holes in it.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCopyMarkedGroups
Copies all marked groups from one view into another view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCopyRawMarkedGroups
Copies all marked groups raw from one view into another
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCRCGroup
Compute CRC for a group.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseCRCView
Generate an XML CRC of a View
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseCRCViewGroup
Generate an XML CRC of a Group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreate
Create MVIEW.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreateCrookedSection
Creates a new crooked section view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreateCrookedSectionDataProfile
Creates a new crooked section data profile view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCylinder3D
Draw a 3D cylinder
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDATALINKD
Add a Data Link Display (DATALINKD) object to the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDefinePlane3D
Define a 2D drawing plane based on point and normal
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDefineViewerAxis3D
Define a 2D drawing plane based on the user's view that oriented around the vector.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDefineViewerPlane3D
Define a 2D drawing plane based on the user's view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteExtClipPLY
Deletes an extended clip PLY object used by this view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteGroup
Delete a group.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeletePlane
Delete a plane in a view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDelMarkedGroups
Delete marked groups.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CMVIEW and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDrawObject3D
Draw a 3D object optimized for rendering
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDrawSurface3DEx
Draw a 3D object built from triangles
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDrawSurface3DFromFile
Draw a 3D object from a surface file
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDrawVectors3D
Display vectors in the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDrawVectorVoxelVectors
Display vectors from a vector voxel in the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneEasyMaker
Used for GX makers which use both maps and databases.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneEllipse
Draw an ellipse
Public methodAvailable to anyoneEMFObject
Add an EMF file data object to the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExtClipPLYList
Get the names of existing extended clip PLY objects in this view as list.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExtent
Get the view extents
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExternalStringObject
Add an external string data object to the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneFillColor
Set the fill color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneFitMapWindow3D
Set the 2D view window for a 3D view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneFitWindow
Fit an area in ground coordinates to an area in mm on map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberFontWeightLST
Fill a LST with the different font weights.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGet3DPointOfView
Get 3D point of view (values are will be rDUMMY if view for 2D views)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAGGFileNames
Get the names of grid files stored in an AGG.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAggregate
Get an existing Aggregate object from the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetClipPLY
Get clipping polygons, in the user projection
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetColSymbol
Get an existing colored symbol object from the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetDATALINKD
Get an existing Data Link Display (DATALINKD) object from the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetExtClipPLY
Get an extended clip PLY object used by this view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetGroupExtClipPLY
Gets extended clip information for group in view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetGroupExtent
Get extent of a group in a view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetGroupFreezeScale
Get a scale freezing value for the group (rDUMMY for disabled).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetGroupTransparency
Gets the transparency value of group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetIPJ
Get the projection of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetMAP
Get the MAP of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetPlaneClipPLY
Get the Plane Clip Region
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetPlaneEquation
Get the equation of a plane
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetPLY
Get clipping polygons, in the base projection
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetREG
Get the REG of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetUserIPJ
Get the user projection of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetViewPlaneEquation
Get the View's Plane Equation
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetVOXD
Get an existing VOXD object from the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGrid
Draw a grid in the current window
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGroupClipMode
Set the Clipping mode on or off for new groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGroupToPLY
Save all polygons in group into PLY obj.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneHideMarkedGroups
Hide/Show marked groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneHideShadow2DInterpretations
Hide/Show 2d shadow interpretations.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiColor
Get a color from a colour string label
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiColorCMY
Return CMY color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiColorHSV
Return HSV color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiColorRGB
Return RGB color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiCreatePlane
Create a 3D Plane for 2D Groups
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiExistGroup
Checks to see if a group exists.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiFindGroup
Find a Group by name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiFindPlane
Find a plane in a view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGenNewGroupName
Generate the name of a group from a base name that is new. (always unique and won't overwrite existing objects).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiGet3DGroupFlags
Get a 3D geometry group's 3D rendering flags.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetClassName
Get a class name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetDefPlane
Get the default drawing plane.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetMeta
Retrieves Metadata from a group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetName
Gets the name of a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetNameExtClipPLY
Get the name of the extended clip PLY object in this view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGroupName
Get a group name
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsGroup
Query a status or characteristic of a group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsGroupEmpty
Is the group empty?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsMovable
Is this view movable?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsProjectionEmpty
Returns 1 if the view projection and view user projection are both empty (undefined).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsSection
Is the view a section view?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsView3D
Is the view 3D?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiIsVisible
Is this view visible?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiListGroups
Get a list of the groups in a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiNumExtClipPLY
Get the number of extended clip PLY objects in this view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiRenderOrder
Query the view render order
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiSetExtClipPLY
Set an extended clip PLY object used by this view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLabelFid
Label fiducials on a profile
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLabelX
Label annotations on the X axis
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLabelY
Label annotations on the Y axis
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLine
Draw a line.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLineColor
Set the line color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLineSmooth
Set the line edge smoothing.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLineStyle
Set the style of a line.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLineThick
Set the line thickness.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLineVV
Draw line segments stored in a GS_D2LINE VV.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneLink
Make a link to a database.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneListPlaneGroups
List all groups in a specific plane of a 3D view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneListPlanes
List all planes in a 3D view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMaker
Generates a Maker for the database and/or map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMapOrigin
Get the map origin from a view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMarkAllGroups
Mark or unmark all groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMarkEmptyGroups
Mark/unmark all empty groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMarkGroup
Mark or unmark a specific group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMeasureText
Compute the bounding rectangle in view units of the text using the current attributes.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMeta
Store Metadata in a group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneModePJ
Set the working projection mode
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMoveGroupBackward
Move the group backward one position (render sooner).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMoveGroupForward
Move the group forward one position (render later).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMoveGroupToBack
Move the group to the back (render first).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMoveGroupToFront
Move the group to the front (render last).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberOptimumTick
Return a default optimum tick interval
Public methodAvailable to anyonePatAngle
Sets the pattern angle
Public methodAvailable to anyonePatDensity
Sets the tiling density.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePatNumber
Sets the pattern number
Public methodAvailable to anyonePatSize
Sets the pattern unit cell size (X)
Public methodAvailable to anyonePatStyle
Sets the tiling method (i.e. rectangle, triangle)
Public methodAvailable to anyonePatThick
Sets the pattern line thickness
Public methodAvailable to anyonePlotToView
Convert a plot coordinate in mm to a VIEW coordinate.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePoint3D
Draw a 3D point.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePolygonDm
Like PolyLineDm, but draw polygons.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePolygonPLY
Draw a complex polygon from PLY.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePolyLine
Draw a polyline or polygon (dummies deleted).
Public methodAvailable to anyonePolyLine3D
Draw a 3D polyline.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePolyLineDm
Draw a polyline with gaps defined by dummies in X/Y VVs
Public methodAvailable to anyonePolyWrap
Draw wrapped polylines from X and Y VV's.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRectangle
Draw a rectangle.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRelocateGroup
Re-locate a group in a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRenameGroup
Rename a group.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRender
Render a specified area of view onto a Windows DC handle
Public methodAvailable to anyoneReScale
Change the scale of a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyonerGetMapScale
Get the current map scale of the view
Public methodAvailable to anyonerNorth
Returns North direction at center of view.
Public methodAvailable to anyonerScaleMM
Get the horizontal scale in view X units/mm
Public methodAvailable to anyonerScalePjMM
Get horizontal scale in projected user units/mm
Public methodAvailable to anyonerScaleYMM
Get the vertical scale in Y units/mm
Public methodAvailable to anyoneScaleAllGroup
Scale all groups (except for GRID) in a view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneScaleWindow
Assign view coordinates to define a window.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSegment
Draw a filled segment of an ellipse.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSet3DGroupFlags
Set a 3D geometry group's 3D rendering flags.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSet3DPointOfView
Set 3D point of view (no effect on 2D views)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAllGroupsToPlane
Set all groups to be within one plane
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAllNewGroupsToPlane
Set all groups that are not in any plane to this plane
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetClassName
Set a class name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetClipPLY
Set clipping region to a PLY
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetDefPlane
Set the default drawing plane.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetFreezeScale
Set a scale freezing value into stream (rDUMMY for disabled).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetGroupExtClipPLY
Sets extended clip information for group in view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetGroupFreezeScale
Set a scale freezing value for the group (rDUMMY for disabled).
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetGroupMoveable
Set the movable attribute of a group.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetGroupToPlane
Set a group to a plane
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetGroupTransparency
Sets the transparency value of group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetH3DN
Set the 3DN object for this view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetIPJ
Set the projection of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMarkMoveable
Set the movable attribute of marked groups.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMeta
Update the META in this group with the new meta object.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMovability
Set the view movability
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetPlaneClipPLY
Set the Plane Clip Region
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetPlaneEquation
Set the equation of a plane
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetPlaneSurface
Set the surface image of a plane
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetPlaneSurfInfo
Set the surface information
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetRenderOrder
Set the view render order
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetThinRes
Set polyline/polygon thinning resolution
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetUFac
Set the unit conversion of a view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetUserIPJ
Set the user projection of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetVisibility
Set the view visibility
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetWindow
Set the view window
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetWorkingIPJ
Set the working projection of the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSizeSymbols
Plot sized symbols
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSphere3D
Draw a 3D sphere
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStartGroup
Start a group.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbAngle
Set the Symb angle.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbColor
Set the Symbol color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbFillColor
Set the Symbol color fill.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbFont
Set the symbol font and style.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbNumber
Set the Symbol number.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbol
Plot a symbol
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbols
Plot symbols
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbolsITR
Plot symbols using an ITR
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSymbSize
Set the Symb size.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneText
Draw text.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTextAngle
Set the text angle.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTextColor
Set the Text color.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTextFont
Set the text font.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTextRef
Set the text plot reference point.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTextSize
Set the text size.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTranScale
Set the view translation and scaling
Public methodAvailable to anyoneTransparency
Sets the transparency for new objects.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneUpdateMETAfromGroup
Fill the META with group dataset information
Public methodAvailable to anyoneUserToView
Convert a USERplot in mm to a VIEW coordinate
Public methodAvailable to anyoneViewToPlot
Convert a VIEW coordinate to a plot coordinate in mm.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneViewToUser
Convert a VIEW coordinate to a USER coordinate.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneVOXD
Add a Voxel Display (VOXD) object to the view.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneZValue
Sets Z-value info.
See Also