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CVVURelVarDup Method
Estimate relative variance of duplicate sample pairs from a database.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0.0
License: Available to anyone with an Oasis Montaj license.  

Namespace: Geosoft.Desktop.GXNet
Assembly: geosoft.desktop.gxnet (in geosoft.desktop.gxnet.dll)
Created for duplicate sample handling in CHIMERA. On input, a numeric or text VV containing data values, and a sample type VV. Sample pairs have types "1" and "2". This routine searches for types in order "1 2 1 2", and calulates the unnormalized relative variance, defined as the sum of the squared differences between duplicates divided by the sum of the squared mean values of the duplicates. (To get the true rel.var., divide by N-1, where N is the number of duplicate pairs used.) Samples out of order, unmatched pairs, or when the sample type does not equal "1" or "2" are ignored.
public static void RelVarDup(
	CVV oVV1,
	CVV oVV2,
	ref double d3,
	ref int i4


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetCVV
Data VV
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetCVV
Sample Type VV
Type: SystemDouble
Returned relative variance
Type: SystemInt32
Returned number of duplicates used.
See Also