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CLSTiFindItemMask Method
Searches the list for a specified item, list contains masks.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.1.6
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
Comparsions are case-intolerant (unlike iFindItem_LST). This means items in the list such as "*(ppm)" will be found if the input search string is "Ni (ppm)" or "Ni(ppm)", but not if it is "Ni (PPM)", so you should include both "*ppm*" and "*PPM*". It is NOT the input string that should be the mask, but the LST items themselves This function was designed originally for geochemical processes in order to identify if a given channel name indicates that the channel should be given the "Assay" class.
public int iFindItemMask(
	int i1,
	string str2


Type: SystemInt32
See LST_ITEMConstant data to search
Type: SystemString
String to try LST mask items on Search For

Return Value

Type: Int32
x - Item Number -1 - Not Found
See Also