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CLSTSaveFile Method
Save a list to a file.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0.0
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
A list file is an ASCII file that contains list entries. Each line for the file contains a list item name and an optional list item value. The name and value must be delimited by a space, tab or comma. If the item name or value contains spaces, tabs or commas, it must be contined in quotes. blank lines and lines that begin with a '/' character are ignored. The default extension is .lst. If the file has a full path it will be created as specified. Otherwise we look for the file in the local then the GEOSOFT\etc directory. If the file does not exist it will be created in the GEOSOFT\etc directory.
public void SaveFile(
	string str1


Type: SystemString
name of the file
See Also