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The CSURFACEITEM type exposes the following members.

Public methodComputeExtendedInfo
Compute more information (including validation) about of all mesh components in the surface item.
Public methodComputePolyLineIntersections
Compute intersections of a 3D PolyLine with a SURFACEITEM Object
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodGetDefaultRenderProperties
Gets default render properties of the surface item.
Public methodGetExtents
Get the spatial range of the the surface item.
Public methodGetGeometryInfo
Get the total number of vertices and triangles of all mesh components in item.
Public methodGetGUID(String)
Gets the GUID of the surface item.
Public methodGetGUID(String, Int32)
Gets the GUID of the surface item.
Public methodGetInfo
Gets information about the surface item.
Public methodGetMesh
Gets a triangular polyhedral mesh of a component in the surface item.
Public methodGetMeshInfo
Gets information about a triangular polyhedral mesh component in the surface item.
Public methodGetProperties(String, String, String, String, Double, String, String, Double)
Gets the properties of the surface item.
Public methodGetProperties(String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32, Double, String, Int32, String, Int32, Double)
Gets the properties of the surface item.
Public methodGetPropertiesEx(String, String, String, String, Double, String, String, Int32, Double, Double)
Gets the properties of the surface item (includes new properties introduced in 8.5).
Public methodGetPropertiesEx(String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32, String, Int32, Double, String, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Double, Double)
Gets the properties of the surface item (includes new properties introduced in 8.5).
Public methodiAddMesh
Adds a triangular polyhedral mesh component to the surface item.
Public methodiIntersectsBoundingBox
Checks intersections of a bounding box with a SURFACEITEM Object
Public methodiNumComponents
Get the number of components in the surface item.
Public methodSetDefaultRenderProperties
Sets default render properties of the surface item.
Public methodSetProperties
Sets the properties of the surface item.
Public methodSetPropertiesEx
Sets the properties of the surface item (includes new properties introduced in 8.5).
See Also