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The CSEGYREADER type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddTraceFilter
Add a filter based on trace header fields.
Public methodCheckSaneInlineCrossline
Checks if the currently-configured inline and crossline fields seem sensible.
Public methodClearTraceDummyValue
Disables the trace dummy value.
Public methodClearTraceFilters
Remove all active trace filters.
Public methodClearUserRange
Clears inline and crossline ranges to clamp to.
Public methodClearUserZRange
Clears Z-range to clamp to, disbling z-clamping.
Public methodCountTracesThatPassFilters
Count the number of traces that pass the currently-configured trace filters.
Public methodEstimateNumberOfTraces
Get the number of traces that would be in the SEG-Y file, given a trace length and data type.
Public methodExportFiles
Exports contents of SEG Y file to voxel and/or database.
Public methodExportVoxelAndDatabase
Exports contents of SEG Y file to voxel and/or database.
Public methodGetBinaryHeader
Get the SEG Y file's binary header.
Public methodGetClipXYExtents
Gets the X,Y extents to clip the voxel.
Public methodGetEndianess
Returns true if the file is little endian. false if it is big endian.
Public methodGetFieldConfiguration
Returns information on the data in the trace headers.
Public methodGetGeoreferencing
Returns the georeferencing of the voxel that would be exported with the current configuration.
Public methodGetInlineAndCrosslineAzimuths
Get the inline and crossline azimuths, in degrees
Public methodGetIs3D
Returns true if the file is 3D false if it is 2D.
Public methodGetLastSampleAt
Returns the depth of the last sample in the traces, in the units specified by `SetZUnits()`
Public methodStatic memberGetNumTraceDataTypes
Returns the number of supported trace data types.
Public methodGetPossibleZUnits(String)
Get a list of the possible values that can be passed to `SetZUnits()`. The values returned by this function depend on what the z-type is set to.
Public methodGetPossibleZUnits(String, Int32)
Get a list of the possible values that can be passed to `SetZUnits()`. The values returned by this function depend on what the z-type is set to.
Public methodGetSampleInterval
Returns the sample interval of the trace data.
Public methodGetSampleIntervalConfiguration(String, Int32)
Specifies where the sample interval comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodGetSampleIntervalConfiguration(String, Int32, Int32)
Specifies where the sample interval comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodGetSliceFilenames(String)
Returns a list of the filenames of the XY slices that will be exported.
Public methodGetSliceFilenames(String, Int32)
Returns a list of the filenames of the XY slices that will be exported.
Public methodGetTextHeader(String)
Get the SEG Y file's text header.
Public methodGetTextHeader(String, Int32)
Get the SEG Y file's text header.
Public methodGetTiePoint
Return the currently-active tie points. If SetTiePoints() has not already been called, then the returned points will be the automatically-selected ones.
Public methodGetTraceCount
Get the number of traces in the SEG Y file
Public methodGetTraceData
Get the SEG Y trace file header data for a particular starting trace
Public methodGetTraceDataAt
Get the SEG Y trace file data for a particular data type, number of samples, and starting trace
Public methodGetTraceDataType(String)
Get the data type of the trace data. This will match one of the names rfeturned by `GetTraceDataTypeName()`
Public methodGetTraceDataType(String, Int32)
Get the data type of the trace data. This will match one of the names rfeturned by `GetTraceDataTypeName()`
Public methodStatic memberGetTraceDataTypeDisplayName(CGXNETCore, Int32, String)
Get a string, suitable for displaying to the user, describing the type returned by passing the same `index` value to `GetTraceDataTypeName()`
Public methodStatic memberGetTraceDataTypeDisplayName(CGXNETCore, Int32, String, Int32)
Get a string, suitable for displaying to the user, describing the type returned by passing the same `index` value to `GetTraceDataTypeName()`
Public methodStatic memberGetTraceDataTypeName(CGXNETCore, Int32, String)
Get the name of one of the available data types. These are the names used as identifiers in this API. To get a name suitable for displaying to the user, use `GetTraceDataTypeDisplayName() instead.
Public methodStatic memberGetTraceDataTypeName(CGXNETCore, Int32, String, Int32)
Get the name of one of the available data types. These are the names used as identifiers in this API. To get a name suitable for displaying to the user, use `GetTraceDataTypeDisplayName() instead.
Public methodGetTraceHeaderAsJson(Int32, String)
Return the contents of a trace header as JSON.
Public methodGetTraceHeaderAsJson(Int32, String, Int32)
Return the contents of a trace header as JSON.
Public methodGetTraceHeaderAt
Get the SEG Y trace file header data for a particular starting trace
Public methodGetTraceLength
Returns the number of data samples per trace.
Public methodGetTraceLengthConfiguration(String, Int32)
Specifies where the trace length comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodGetTraceLengthConfiguration(String, Int32, Int32)
Specifies where the trace length comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodGetVoxelCellSize
Get the cell size of the voxel that would be exported with the current configuration.
Public methodGetVoxelDimensions
Get the size of the voxel that would be exported with the current configuration.
Public methodGetXYUnits(String)
Get the currently-specified xy-units.
Public methodGetXYUnits(String, Int32)
Get the currently-specified xy-units.
Public methodGetZOffset
Returns the z-offset (time delay) of the trace data. Positive values correspond to a deeper top-of-trace; negative values to a higher top-of-trace.
Public methodGetZOffsetConfiguration(String, Int32)
Specifies where the z-offset (time delay) comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodGetZOffsetConfiguration(String, Int32, Int32)
Specifies where the z-offset (time delay) comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodGetZOffsetUnits(String)
Get the currently-specified units for the z offset.
Public methodGetZOffsetUnits(String, Int32)
Get the currently-specified units for the z offset.
Public methodGetZType(String)
Indicate if the z-dimension is time or depth.
Public methodGetZType(String, Int32)
Indicate if the z-dimension is time or depth.
Public methodGetZUnits(String)
Get the currently-specified z-units.
Public methodGetZUnits(String, Int32)
Get the currently-specified z-units.
Public methodStatic memberListBinaryHeaderFields
Returns the names and offsets of the fields in the binary header.
Public methodStatic memberListTraceHeaderFields
Returns the names and offsets of the fields in the trace header.
Public methodStatic memberOpenFile
Opens a 3D SEG Y file.
Public methodOverrideNavigation2D
Specify the X/Y coordinates of the traces, instead of using values from the trace headers.
Public methodRecalculateGeoreferencing
Recalculate georeferencing; call after configuration has changed.
Public methodResetTiePoints
Discard user-supplied tie points and auto-choose new ones..
Public methodScanFile
Scans the SEG Y file, and attempts to guess the layout.
Public methodSetAutoVoxelCellSizeXY
Set the XY cell size of the voxel that would be exported to the dimensions calculated from the tie points..
Public methodSetCrosslineSliceIndices
Which crossline slices to export to a section grid.
Public methodSetEndianess
Set the endianess of the file.
Public methodSetFieldConfiguration
Sets the interpretation of the fields in the SEG Y file, and specifies which fields should be exported to GDB.
Public methodSetGdbOutputFilename
Exports contents of SEG Y file to a database.
Public methodSetGeoreferencing
Sets the georeferencing of the voxel that would be exported with the current configuration.
Public methodSetInlineSliceIndices
Which inline slices to export to a section grid.
Public methodSetIs3D
Specify if the input SEG-Y file is 3D or 2D.
Public methodSetSampleIntervalConfiguration
Specifies where the sample interval comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodSetSectionOutputFilename
Exports contents of SEG Y file to a crooked section.
Public methodSetSliceOutputPrefix
Exports inline or crossline slices to a section grid.
Public methodSetTiePoint
Set the currently-active tie points. If SetTiePoints() has not already been called, then the returned points will be the automatically-selected ones.
Public methodSetTraceDataType
Set the data type of the trace data. This must match one of the names returned by `GetTraceDataTypeName()`
Public methodSetTraceDummyValue
Sets the trace dummy value.
Public methodSetTraceLengthConfiguration
Specifies where the trace length comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodSetUserCrosslineRange
Sets crossline-range to clamp to.
Public methodSetUserInlineRange
Sets inline-range to clamp to.
Public methodSetUserVoxelCellSizeXY
Set the XY cell size of the voxel that would be exported with the current configuration.
Public methodSetUserZRange
Sets Z-range to clamp to.
Public methodSetVoxelOutputFilename
Exports contents of SEG Y file to voxel.
Public methodSetZDecimation
Sets Z decimation factor.
Public methodSetZOffsetConfiguration
Specifies where the z-offset (time delay) comes from: can be a field in the binary file header, a field in the trace header, or a value specified by the user.
Public methodSetZOffsetUnits
Set the units that the z-offset is in.
Public methodSetZSliceIndices
Which z slices to export to a section grid.
Public methodSetZType
Specify if the z-dimension is time or depth.
Public methodSetZUnits
Set the z-units.
See Also