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CPLY Methods

The CPLY type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddPolygon
Add a polygon to the polygon file.
Public methodAddPolygonEx
Add a polygon to the polygon file.
Public methodChangeIPJ
Set the projection.
Public methodClear
Clear/remove all polygons from the PLY.
Public methodCombine
Combines two PLY Object with another
Public methodCopy
Copies one PLY Object to another
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates a Polygon Object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create an PLY Object from a BF
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodExtent
Get the extent of the current polygon.
Public methodGetIPJ
Get the projection.
Public methodGetPolygon
Get a polygon from the PLY
Public methodGetPolygonEx
Get a polygon from the PLY
Public methodiClipArea
Clip a polygon to an area
Public methodiClipLineInt
Clips a line in or out of the polygons for intersections (<define>GS_DOUBLE</define>). Intersections are returned as fiducials down the line stored in VV starting at the first point of the line. Examples: No intersection: <define>PLY_LINE_CLIP_OUTSIDE</define>, 0 intersections Starts outside, ends inside: <define>PLY_LINE_CLIP_OUTSIDE</define>, 1 intersection Starts outside, intersects then ends inside or outside: <define>PLY_LINE_CLIP_OUTSIDE</define>, 2 intersections Starts inside, ends inside : <define>PLY_LINE_CLIP_INSIDE</define>, 1 intersection (gives end-of-line) Starts inside, ends outside : <define>PLY_LINE_CLIP_INSIDE</define>, 1 intersection
Public methodiClipPLY
Clip one polygon against another
Public methodiClipPoint
Clips a point in or out of the polygon. Point is inside: <define>PLY_POINT_CLIP_INSIDE</define> Point is outside: <define>PLY_POINT_CLIP_OUTSIDE</define> An error occurred: <define>PLY_POINT_CLIP_ERROR</define>
Public methodIGetDescription(String)
Get the PLY description string
Public methodIGetDescription(String, Int32)
Get the PLY description string
Public methodiNumPoly
Get the number of polygons.
Public methodIsValid
Ensure a polygon is valid
Public methodLoadTable
Loads Polygons from a Polygon file.
Public methodrArea
Compute the Area of a polygon
Public methodRectangle
Creates a polygon from a rectangular area.
Public methodRotate
Rotate a polygon about a point.
Public methodSaveTable
Save Polygons to a Polygon file.
Public methodSerial
Serialize an PLY to a BF
Public methodSetDescription
Set the PLY description string
Public methodSetIPJ
Set the projection.
Public methodThin
Thin polygons to a desired resolution
See Also