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CPJ Methods

The CPJ type exposes the following members.

Public methodClipPLY
Create a clip polygon from a projected area.
Public methodConvertVV
Convert VVx/VVy from input projection to output projection.
Public methodConvertVV3
Convert VVx/VVy/VVz projections
Public methodConvertXY
Convert X, Y from input projection to output projection.
Public methodConvertXYFromXYZ
Convert X, Y from input projection to output projection, taking Z into account
Public methodConvertXYZ
Convert X,Y,Z from input projection to output projection.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
This method creates a projection object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateIPJ
This method creates a projection object from IPJs.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRectified
Create a rectified PJ from lon,lat,rotation
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodiElevation
Get elevation correction method
Public methodiIsInputLL
Is the input projection a lat/long.
Public methodiIsOutputLL
Is the output projection a lat/long.
Public methodProjectBoundingRectangle
Project a bounding rectangle.
Public methodProjectBoundingRectangle2
Project a bounding rectangle with error tolerance.
Public methodProjectBoundingRectangleRes
Project a bounding rectangle with resolution.
Public methodProjectBoundingRectangleRes2
Project a bounding rectangle with resolution and error tolerance.
Public methodProjectBoundingVolume
Project a bounding volume.
Public methodProjectLimitedBoundingRectangle
Project a bounding rectangle with limits.
Public methodSetupLDT
Setup the PJ with LDT check.
See Also