Click or drag to resize


The CMAPTEMPLATE type exposes the following members.

Public methodCommit
Commit any changes to the map template to disk
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Create a MAPTEMPLATE from an existing file.
Public methodCreateMap
Create a map from the map template
Public methodDiscard
Discard all changes made to the map template and reload from disk.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodGetFileName(String)
Get the file name of the map template.
Public methodGetFileName(String, Int32)
Get the file name of the map template.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaSize
Get full width, full height, plot width and plot height in cm for a specific media or template name
Public methodGetTmpCopy(String)
Get a temporary XML file for manipulation of the map template.
Public methodGetTmpCopy(String, Int32)
Get a temporary XML file for manipulation of the map template.
Public methodRefresh
Refresh the map template with any newly saved items
Public methodRenderPreview
Create a preview of the map template onto a Windows DC handle
Public methodRenderPreviewMapProduction
Render a preview for map sheet production purposes
Public methodUpdateFromTmpCopy
Update the object contents from a temporary XML file that may have bee manipulated externally.
See Also