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CLST Methods

The CLST type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddItem
Adds an item to the end of the list.
Public methodAddSymbItem
Adds a channel/line/blob name and symbol to a list.
Public methodAddUniqueItem
Adds a unique item to the end of the list.
Public methodAppend
Add the items in one list to another list.
Public methodStatic memberAssayChannel
Create a LST of assay channel mask strings from file.
Public methodClear
Clear a list object.
Public methodConvertFromCSVString
Load a LST with items from a string.
Public methodCopy
Copy one LST object to another.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
creates a user controllable list. The list is empty when created.
Public methodStatic memberCreateS
Create LST from serialized source.
Public methodDelItem
Removes an item from the list. All items below it are shifted up one.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodFindItems
Searches a LST for items in a second LST, returns indices of those found.
Public methodGtItem(Int32, Int32, String)
This places the specified item into the buffer provided.
Public methodGtItem(Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
This places the specified item into the buffer provided.
Public methodGtSymbItem(Int32, String, Int32)
Returns a channel/line/blob name and symbol from a list.
Public methodGtSymbItem(Int32, String, Int32, Int32)
Returns a channel/line/blob name and symbol from a list.
Public methodIConvertToCSVString(String)
Load a string with names from a LST.
Public methodIConvertToCSVString(String, Int32)
Load a string with names from a LST.
Public methodiFindItem
Searches the list for a specified item.
Public methodiFindItemMask
Searches the list for a specified item, list contains masks.
Public methodiGetInt
Get an integer item.
Public methodInsertItem
Adds an item at a given location in the list.
Public methodiSize
Get the number of items in the list.
Public methodLoadCSV
Load a list with data from a CSV file
Public methodLoadFile
Set up a list from a list file.
Public methodResource
Load a GX List Resource into this list object. The entries are placed at the end of the list and are not sorted.
Public methodrGetReal
Get a real item.
Public methodSaveFile
Save a list to a file.
Public methodSelectCSVStringItems
Load a LST with items from a second LST found in a CSV string.
Public methodSerial
Serialize LST to a BF.
Public methodSetItem
Place an item at a specified point in the LST.
Public methodSort
Sorts a list.
See Also