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CIMG Methods

The CIMG type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAverage2
Reduce the dimensions in a 2D pager by a factor of 2
Public methodCopy
Copy IMGs.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates an IMG not tied to a file at all
Public methodStatic memberCreateFile
Creates an Image object tied to a grid file.
Public methodStatic memberCreateMem
Creates an IMG object that is backed only by memory.
Public methodStatic memberCreateNewFile
Creates a new image file
Public methodStatic memberCreateOutFile
Creates an output image file using input image info.
Public methodCreateProjected
Applies a projection to an image.
Public methodCreateProjected2
Applies a projection to an image, specify cell size.
Public methodCreateProjected3
Same as CreateProjected2_IMG, but set expansion of bounds.
Public methodDeleteFault
Delete a fault trace
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodExtent
Get the img extents
Public methodGetFault
Retrieve a fault trace
Public methodGethPG
Get the actual pager of a grid.
Public methodGetInfo
Retrieves location information about this image.
Public methodGetIPJ
Get the projection of a grid.
Public methodGetMETA
Get the metadata of a grid.
Public methodGetPG
Get a copy of the pager of a grid.
Public methodGetProjectedCellSize
Returns default cell size from projected image.
Public methodGetTR
Get the trend information from a grid.
Public methodiAddFault
Add a fault trace
Public methodiElementType
Returns the element type.
Public methodiEType
Returns the element type.
Public methodiGetDefITR
Get default transform, if it exists
Public methodIGetShadowGridPath(String)
Gets the name of a view.
Public methodIGetShadowGridPath(String, Int32)
Gets the name of a view.
Public methodiIsColour
Is this a Geosoft color grid?
Public methodStatic memberiIsValidIMGFile
Is this a valid IMG file?
Public methodStatic memberiIsValidIMGFileEx(CGXNETCore, String, String)
Is this a valid IMG file? Returns error message if it cannot be opened for any reason.
Public methodStatic memberiIsValidIMGFileEx(CGXNETCore, String, String, Int32)
Is this a valid IMG file? Returns error message if it cannot be opened for any reason.
Public methodiNE
Gets the # of elements in the optimal KX direction.
Public methodInherit
Inherit a projection/new cell size on the IMG.
Public methodInheritIMG
Make a grids match in size and coordinate system
Public methodiNumberOfFaults
Returns the number of individual fault traces stored in the IMG
Public methodiNV
Gets the # of vectors in the optimal KX direction.
Public methodiNX
Gets the # of X elements.
Public methodiNY
Gets the # of Y elements.
Public methodiQuery
Query information about the IMG
Public methodiQueryKX
Asks the IMG for the most efficient way to access the data.
Public methodiSetDefITR
Set default transform
Public methodStatic memberiUserPreferenceToPlotAsColourShadedGrid
Returns the global setting.
Public methodLoadIMG
Loads an IMG into a master IMG.
Public methodLoadIntoPager
Load IMG data from file into a pager to increase access time.
Public methodOptKX
Force optimal KX as desired.
Public methodReadV
Read a vector in the optimal KX direction.
Public methodReadX
Read a column (constant X)
Public methodReadY
Read a row (constant Y)
Public methodStatic memberRefreshGI
Refresh the GI of a grid after it has moved or changed.
Public methodRelocate
Re-locate a grid image.
Public methodStatic memberReport
Writes grid info report to a file
Public methodStatic memberReportCSV
Writes grid info as a line to a CSV file
Public methodrGetDisplayProperty
Gets display information about this image.
Public methodrGetRealParameter
Store a real parameter in an IMG object
Public methodrGetZ
Gets the grid value at a point
Public methodrQuery
Query information about the IMG
Public methodSetDisplayProperty
Sets display information about this image.
Public methodSetGridUnchanged
Mark the grid as unchanged so it will not output lineage
Public methodSetInfo
Sets location information about this image.
Public methodSetIPJ
Set the projection of a grid.
Public methodSetMETA
Set the metadata of a grid.
Public methodSetPG
Copy a pager into the pager of a grid.
Public methodSetRealParameter
Store a real parameter in an IMG object
Public methodSetShadowGridPath
Sets display information about this image.
Public methodSetTR
Set the trend information to a grid.
Public methodStatic memberSync
Syncronize the Metadata for this Grid
Public methodWriteV
Write a vector in the optimal KX direction.
Public methodWriteX
Write a column (constant X)
Public methodWriteY
Write a row (constant Y)
See Also