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CGIS Methods

The CGIS type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates a GIS Object
Public methodCreateMap2D
CreateMap2D_GIS Create a new 2D map for GIS imports.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodGetBPRModelsLST
Get a LST of block models contained in a Gemcom BPR or BRP2 file
Public methodGetIPJ
Get the GIS IPJ
Public methodGetMETA
Get the GIS META
Public methodGetRange
Get the range of data in the GIS
Public methodStatic memberiDatamineType
Returns the type of a Datamine file.
Public methodIGetFileName(String)
Get the file name
Public methodIGetFileName(String, Int32)
Get the file name
Public methodStatic memberiIsMIMapFile
Returns TRUE if file is a MapInfo MAP file.
Public methodStatic memberiIsMIRasterTabFile
Returns TRUE if file is a MapInfo Raster TAB file.
Public methodStatic memberiIsMIRotatedRasterTabFile
Returns TRUE if file is a rotated MapInfo Raster TAB file.
Public methodiIsSHPFile3D
Returns TRUE if an ArcView SHP file is type POINTZ, ARCZ, POLYGONZ or MULTIPOINTZ
Public methodiIsSHPFilePoint
Returns TRUE if an ArcView SHP file is type POINT or POINTZ
Public methodiNumAttribs
The number of attribute fields in the GIS dataset
Public methodiNumShapes
The number of shape entities in the GIS dataset
Public methodStatic memberIScanMIRasterTabFile(CGXNETCore, String, String, CIPJ)
Scan and set up a MapInf RASTER.
Public methodStatic memberIScanMIRasterTabFile(CGXNETCore, String, String, Int32, CIPJ)
Scan and set up a MapInf RASTER.
Public methodLoadASCII
Save GIS attribute table information (string fields) into a WA.
Public methodLoadGDB
Load GIS table information into a GDB.
Public methodLoadMAP
Load GIS table drawing into a MVIEW.
Public methodLoadMAPEx
Load GIS table drawing into a MAP.
Public methodLoadMetaGroupsMAP
Load GIS table drawing into a MVIEW.
Public methodLoadPLY
Load GIS table drawing into a Multi-Polygon object.
Public methodLoadShapesGDB
Load GIS shapes table information into separate lines in a GDB.
Public methodSetDmWireframePtFile
Specify the wireframe point file corresponding to the input file.
Public methodSetIPJ
Save the IPJ back to GIS file
Public methodSetLST
Save a LST of items inside the GIS object for special use.
Public methodSetMETA
Save the META back to GIS
Public methodSetTriangulationObjectIndex
Set the triangulation object index (Micromine)
See Also