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The CDBWRITE type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBlock
Add the current block of data.
Public methodCommit
Commit remaining data to the database.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Create a DBWRITE object Add channels using the iAddChannel_DBWRITE
Public methodStatic memberCreateXY
Create a DBWRITE object for a XY-located data. Add channels using the iAddChannel_DBWRITE method.
Public methodStatic memberCreateXYZ
Create a DBWRITE object for a XYZ-located data. Add channels using the iAddChannel_DBWRITE
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodGetDB
Get the output DB handle from the DBWRITE object.
Public methodGetVA
Get the VA handle for an array channel.
Public methodGetVV
Get the VV handle for a channel.
Public methodGetVVx
Get the X channel VV handle.
Public methodGetVVy
Get the Y channel VV handle.
Public methodGetVVz
Get the Z channel VV handle.
Public methodiAddChannel
Add a data channel to the DBWRITE object.
Public methodiGetChanArraySize
Get the number of columns of data in a channel.
Public methodTestFunc
Temporary test function.
See Also