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CEDBSetProfileSplitVV Method

Set profile splits

Namespace:  Geosoft.Desktop.GXNetX
Assembly:  geosoft.desktop.gxnetx (in geosoft.desktop.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public void SetProfileSplitVV(
	CVV vv

public void SetProfileSplitVV(
	CVV vv


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCVV
Split VV (REAL) (relative sizes of each profile window)
The input VV values are the fractional heights for each profile window. Values are summed, and normalized (so you can enter "1,1,1", with a VV of length 3, if you want 3 equal profile windows). VV values beyond the maximum number of displayable profiles (<define>MAX_PROF_WND</define>) are ignored.
See Also