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Load thematic patterns from a CSV file

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public void LoadCSV(
	string file

public void LoadCSV(
	string file


Type: SystemString
Thematic Pattern file name
The type of thematic patterns file is recognized from the types of fields found inside it. The following fields are identified. Only the "CODE" field is required, as the "default" thematic pattern is a solid black color. CODE The pattern code (required by all types - CASE SENSITIVE) LABEL Longer text identifier to use in legends etc. (up to 31 characters) DESCRIPTION Much longer text string (up to 127 characters). COLOR Line color used in patterns, and for solid colors, the color. If only this field is found (and none below), the pattern file is assumed to be type TPAT_TYPE_COLOR. PATTERN Geosoft pattern ID. PAT_SIZE Pattern tile size, or symbol size (default 2mm) PAT_DENSITY Pattern tile density (default 1.0) PAT_THICKNESS Pattern line thickness as % of size (default 5) BACK_COLOR Background color for the pattern. Also used for symbols (Default background is transparent). SYMBFONT Symbol font (e.g. "symbols.gfn") SYMBNUM Symbol number of the current font SYMBROT Symbol rotation SYMBSCL Additional scaling factor applied to the current size
See Also