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CSYSEnableGXDebugger Method (CGXNETCore, String, String)

Enable GX Debugger GUI

Namespace:  GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly:  geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.25
public static void EnableGXDebugger(
	CGXNETCore gxNetShared,
	string src_dir,
	string first_gx

public static void EnableGXDebugger(
	CGXNETCore gxNetShared,
	string src_dir,
	string first_gx


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetXCGXNETCore
A shared CGXNETCore
Type: SystemString
Path that will be scanned recursively for GXC source files
Type: SystemString
Name of gx where first breakpoint should be set
Takes as input two strings one a path that will be scanned recursively for GXC source files and a second string without a path of the GX where the first breakpoint should be set in (i.e. "gxname.gx"). The source of the GX should be found in the path (e.g. <path>\somewhere\gxname.gxc) and a breakpoint will be set on the first executing line of this GX. Make sure the GX binary is newer than the source file, otherwise unexpected results may occur. As soon as the GX is run the GUI will become visible and it will be possible to set more breakpoints in any of the GXC files found in the path.
See Also