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A META object contains hierarchical organized metadata of any type, including other objects. META information is organized in an XML-like structure based on a data schema that describes the data hierarchy. META objects are used by many entities that need to store metadata specific to the entities or to the application. Metadata can be saved in databases and maps, as well as in channels, lines, views and groups. Oasis montaj objects can be queried for their associated metadata, and if it exists, the metadata can be retrieved and utilized by other Oasis montaj processes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll)
public class CMETA : CHANDLE

The CMETA type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyoneCopy
Copy a META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreate
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCreateAttrib
Create an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCreateClass
Create a class
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreateS
Create a META Object from a BF
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCreateType
Create an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteAllItems
Delete all items in this class.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteAttrib
Delete Attrib from META.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteClass
Delete Class from META.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteData
Delete Data from META.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteItem
Delete item from META.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteType
Delete Type from META.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CMETA and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExportTableCSV
Export all items in a class as a CSV
Public methodAvailable to anyoneFindData
Does this meta/attribute have a value ?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAttribBool
Get a boolean value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAttribEnum
Get an enum value to an attribute (as an integer)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAttribInt
Get an integer value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAttribOBJ
Get an object from an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetAttribReal
Get an integer value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyonehCopyAcrossAttribute
Copy an Attribute from one META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyonehCopyAcrossClass
Copy a Class from one META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyonehCopyAcrossData
Copy a Data value from one META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyonehCopyAcrossItem
Copy an Item from one META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyonehCopyAcrossType
Copy a Type from one META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyonehCreatItem
Creates item in Class.
Public methodAvailable to anyonehGetNextItem
Count the number of items in a class
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetAttribString(Int32, Int32, String)
Get a string value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetAttribString(Int32, Int32, String, Int32)
Get a string value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetObjName(Int32, String)
Get the name of this item.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetObjName(Int32, String, Int32)
Get the name of this item.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiHasValue
Does this meta/attribute have a value set?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneImportTableCSV
Import a CSV into a class as items.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMoveDatasAcross
Moves data items from one META to another
Public methodAvailable to anyoneResolveUMN
Resolve a Unique Meta Name (UMN) and find the token
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSerial
Serialize an META to a BF
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttribBool
Set a boolean value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttribEnum
Set an enum value to an attribute (as an integer)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttribInt
Set an integer value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttribOBJ
Set an object to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttribReal
Set an integer value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttribString
Set a string value to an attribute
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttributeEditable
Allow/disallow an attribute to be editable in the browser
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetAttributeVisible
Allow/disallow an attribute to be visible in the browser
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetEmptyAttrib
Set an empty attribute data holder
Public methodAvailable to anyoneWriteText
Write the entire meta as a text file
See Also