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CMAP Class
MAPs are containers for MVIEW objects. A view is a 3-D translation and a clip window on a map. Graphic entities can be drawn in an MVIEW. It is recommended that the MAP class be instantiated by first creating an EMAP object and calling the Lock_EMAP function. (See the explanation on the distinction between the MAP and EMAP classes).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll)
public class CMAP : CHANDLE

The CMAP type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyoneAGGList
Get a list of all aggregates in this map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneAGGListEx
Get a list of aggregates in this map based on a mode
Public methodAvailable to anyoneClean
Clean up empty groups in all views in map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCommit
Commit any changes to a map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCopyMapToView
Copy entire map into one view in output map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCRCMap
Generate an XML CRC of a MAP
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreate
Create a MAP.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneCreateLinked3DView
Create a 3D View in this map that is linked to a MVIEW in a 3D View file.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCurrent
This method returns the Current map opened.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDeleteView
Deletes a view in this map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDiscard
Discard all changes made to the map.
Protected methodDispose
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CMAP and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDupMap
Duplicate copy of current map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExportAllInView
Export the entire map in view units to an external format. View and Group names are removed and plane spatial coordinates will be in the units of the map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExportAllRaster
Export the entire map to map to a non-geo raster format.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExportAreaInView
Export an area of a map in view units to an external format
Public methodAvailable to anyoneExportAreaRaster
Export an area of a map to a non-geo raster format.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetDataProj
Get the projection type of the Data view of a map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetLPT
Get the LPT Object of a MAP.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetMapSize
Get the size of the Map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetMETA
Get the map's META
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGetREG
Get the map's REG
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGroupList
Get a list of all views/groups in this map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneGroupListEx
Get a list of views/groups in this map for this mode
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIDuplicateView(String, String, Int32)
Duplicate an entire view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIDuplicateView(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Duplicate an entire view
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiExistView
Checks to see if a view exists.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetClassName(String, String)
Get a class name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetClassName(String, String, Int32)
Get a class name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetFileName(String)
Get the name of the map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetFileName(String, Int32)
Get the name of the map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetMapName(String)
Get the Map Name of the Map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIGetMapName(String, Int32)
Get the Map Name of the Map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneiPackedFiles
The number of packed files in the current map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIUnPackFilesEx(Int32, String)
UnPack all files from map to workspace.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIUnPackFilesEx(Int32, String, Int32)
UnPack all files from map to workspace.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIUnPackFilesToFolder(Int32, String, String)
UnPack all files from map to workspace.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneIUnPackFilesToFolder(Int32, String, String, Int32)
UnPack all files from map to workspace.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePackFiles
Pack all files in the map so that it can be mailed.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRender
Render a map to file/device.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRenderBitmap
Render a map to a bitmap.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRenderViewBitmap
Render a map view to a bitmap.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneResizeAll
Resize a map to the extents of all views.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneResizeAllEx
ResizeAll_MAP with selection of view extent type selection.
Public methodAvailable to anyonerGetMapScale
Get the current map scale
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseSaveAsMXD
Save as ArcGIS MXD
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetClassName
Set a class name.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneSetCurrent
Sets the current map to this map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMapName
Set the Map Name of the Map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMapScale
Set the current map scale
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMapSize
Set the size of the Map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetMETA
Write a META to a map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetREG
Write a REG to a map.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberSync
Syncronize the Metadata
Public methodAvailable to anyoneUnPackFiles
UnPack all files from map to workspace.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneViewList
Get a list of all views in this map.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneViewListEx
Get a list of views of certain types in this map
See Also