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CGXNETCore Methods

The CGXNETCore type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Default destructor
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Protected methodFinalize
finalizer (cleans up unmanaged resources)
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodStatic memberGetByteVM
Get a VM array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberGetByteVV
Get a VV array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberGetDoubleVM
Get a VM array of doubles.
Public methodStatic memberGetDoubleVV
Get a VV array of doubles.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatVM
Get a VM array of floats.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatVV
Get a VV array of floats.
Public methodGetGeoGXHandle
Get the gx handle from tls
Public methodStatic memberGetIntVM
Get a VM array of integers.
Public methodStatic memberGetIntVV
Get a VV array of integers.
Public methodStatic memberGetShortVM
Get a VM array of shorts.
Public methodStatic memberGetShortVV
Get a VV array of shorts.
Public methodStatic memberGetUShortVM
Get a VM array of unsigned shorts.
Public methodStatic memberGetUShortVV
Get a VV array of unsigned shorts.
Public methodiCheckError
Test if Geosoft function has terminated with an error
Public methodStatic memberLockParentWindow
Public methodsCheckTerminate
Check to see if terminate has been called by a wrapper.
Public methodsGetError
Gets the error string for 1 error.
Public methodShowError
Shows any errors to stdout or to gui if gui app
Public methodStatic memberUnlockParentWindow
See Also