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CDSEL Methods

The CDSEL type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreate
Create a Selection object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneDataSignificantFigures
Specify the data significant figures required
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneMetaQuery
Specify a metadata query string.
Public methodAvailable to anyonePictureQuality
Specify the quality of pictures being returned.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneRequestAllInfo
Request that all meta-data info be sent
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSelectArea
Select a complex clipping area
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSelectRect
Select a rectangular area.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSelectResolution
Specify the resolution desired
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSelectSize
Specify the image size desired
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetExtractAsDocument
Specify that we want to extract this file as a document
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSetIPJ
Set the desired projection
Public methodAvailable to anyoneSpatialAccuracy
Specify the spatial accuracy required.
See Also