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CVVMakeMemBased Method
Make this VV use regular instead of virtual memory.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.1.2
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll)
This function should be called immediately aftter Create_VV. Normal VVs are optimised to prevent thrashing, and to efficiently support many extremely large VVs, although there is a small performance penalty. This function is intended for VV's that you know can be handled by the operating system virtual memory manager, and will be used heavily. By using a memory based VV, you can achieve some performance improvements provided your application does not cause the memory manager to "thrash". External programs that use the GX API may prefer to use memory-based VV's because you can get direct access to the VV through the GetPtrVV_GEO function (see gx_extern.h).
public void MakeMemBased()
See Also