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CDBCreateSymb Method
Create a new Symbol.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetX
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnetx (in geoengine.core.gxnetx.dll)
If symbol already exits, and it is the same type simply returns a handle to the existing symbol. This method simple calls CreateSymbEx_DB with the extra info set to 1. STRING-type channels: To create a string-type channel, enter a negative number for the channel category below. For instance, "-32" will create a string channel with 32 characters per item. BLOBS: Blobs (Binary Large Objects) can be used for storing miscellaneous data which does not fit well into any of the other various storage objects, such as a REG. Generally, one or more objects is serialized to a BF object, which is then written to the blob using the sWriteBlobBF_DB() function. Retrieval is done in the reverse order, using sWriteBlobBF_DB() first, then extracting the objects from the BF object. To avoid namespace problems, Geosoft reserves the following name prefixes: OE. (Core functions) GS. (Applications) CS. (Custom Solutions applications) Programmers should avoid using the above prefixes as the starting letters of their blob names to avoid any possible conflicts.
public int CreateSymb(
	string name,
	int symb,
	int owner,
	int category


Type: SystemString
Symbol Name
Type: SystemInt32
Type: SystemInt32
Type: SystemInt32
<define>DB_CATEGORY_USER</define>, <define>DB_CATEGORY_LINE</define>, <define>DB_CATEGORY_CHAN</define>, <define>DB_CATEGORY_BLOB</define>

Return Value

Type: Int32
DB_SYMB Object
See Also