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CSYS Class
The SYS library functions perform a wide range functions, including the storage and retrieval of named parameters from the current workspace; writing messages to the user; display of progress bars; retrieving file, date and time information from the operating system; and providing warning and error handling functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
public static class CSYS

The CSYS type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberAbort
This method terminates the execution of a script. A message giving the reason for the abort will be displayed along with the line number where we stopped in the script.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberAddLineageParameter
Add a parameter to the current lineage object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberAddLineageSource
Add a source to the current lineage object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberAssert
Abort with GX line number if not true.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberBreakDate
Breaks a decimal date value into year, month and day.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCancel
This method indicates that the GX program terminated without doing anything of interest and should be ignored. In particular, the GX will not be logged in a recorded GS.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClearGroup
Clear current contents of a group
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClearGroupParm
Clears all paramters in a specified group.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClearLineageParameters
Clear all the lineage parameters
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClearLineageSources
Clear all the lineage sources
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClearMenus
Clear all menus
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClearParm
Clears all paramters.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberClipboardToFile
Copy text from the clipboard to a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberCopyGeoFile
Copy a Geosoft data file and all associated files to a new folder
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCRCFile
Compute the CRC of a file
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCRCFileOffset
Compute the CRC of a file with an Offset
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreateClipboardRA
Create a RA to read text from the clipboard.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberCreateClipboardWA
Create a WA to write text on the clipboard.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDecryptString
Decrypts a string that has been previously encrypted by EncryptString_SYS().
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDefaultInt
Allows a default int to be set.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDefaultReal
Allows a default real to be set.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDefaultString
Allows a default string to be set.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDestr
Destroy ANY object made with a Create_? method
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDestroyPTMP
Destroy PTMP.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDisableGXDebugger
Disable GX Debugger GUI if active
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDisplayHelp
Display the help dialog with the specified topic highlighted
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDisplayHelpTopic
Display the help dialog without topic lookup in INI files
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDisplayInt
Display an integer.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDisplayMessage
Display a user message.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDisplayReal
Display a real number.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberDoCommand
Execute an Oasis montaj command.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberEMFObjectSize
Get the size of an EMF object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberEnableGXDebugger(String, String)
Enable GX Debugger GUI
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberEnableGXDebugger(IWin32Window, String, String)
Enable GX Debugger GUI
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberEncryptString
Encrypts a string for secure storage in configuration files or in the workspace parameters.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberError
Register an error message
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberErrorTag
Set an error message tag string
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberExit
This method terminates the execution of a script in a regular fashion with no error messages displayed.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberFileRen
Rename a file
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberFileToClipboard
Copy a text file onto the clipboard as text.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberFilterParmGroup
Controls filtering of specific group during logging.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberFindFilesVV
Fill a VV with files matching an input file mask.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberFontLST
List all Windows and geosoft fonts.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGenerateGUID
Genrates a GUID string (e.g. {4FEDE8BF-CDAB-430A-8026-1CCC0EC0A2EB})
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetEntitlementRights
Get the Entitlement Rights
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetLoadedMenus
Get the loaded menus.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetPattern
Gets pattern parameters from the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetPTMP
Get temporary saves copy of parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetREG
Get REG parameters.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetSettingsMETA
Get the settings metadata object.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGetWorkspaceREG
Get a copy of the workspace REG;
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGlobalReset
Reset the global parameters.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGlobalSet
Set a global parameter setting.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGlobalWrite
Modify the global parameters.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberGtString
This method returns a string in the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIAbsoluteFileName
Convert an abbreviated path name to a full path name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiAssertGX
DLL function argument error assertion
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberIBackupGeoFile
Backup a Geosoft data file and all associated files to a temporary folder.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiCheckArcLicense
Check to see if a ESRI ArcEngine or ArcView license is available
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiCheckArcLicenseEx
Check to see if a ESRI ArcEngine or ArcView license is available, returns type and version of available engine.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiCheckIntrinsic
Check to see if an intrinsic object is licensed
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiCheckStop
This method is called at convenient points in the GX code to check if the user has asked the script to stop running. This method should be called by any GX program that may take a while to complete.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiClearErrAP
This method is called at to clear all registered errors.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiCopyFile
Copy a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDatetoLong
Converts a double date to a value representing total days elapsed since day 0 of year 0. This uses the Numerical Receipies Julian function.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDelay
Idle delay method.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDeleteFile
Delete a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDeleteGIFile
Delete the GI file associated with a grid.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDeleteGridFile
Delete a grid file and its associated GI and XML files.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDirExist
Check to see if a directory exists
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDisplayQuestion
Display a YES/NO type question. This method waits for the user to hit YES or NO.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiDisplayQuestionWithCancel
Display a YES/NO/CANCEL type question. This method waits for the user to hit YES or NO or CANCEL.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiExistEnv
Check if setting exists in environment.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiExistInt
This method checks to see if a int parameter exists.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiExistReal
This method checks to see if a real parameter exists.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiExistString
This method checks to see if a string parameter exists.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiFileExist
Check to see if a file exists
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiFileSize
Returns size of a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiFileWritable
Check if a file can be created or opened in read-write mode at a specific location
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiFindPath
Get full path for a file with Geosoft subdirectory parameter.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiFindPathEx
Get full path for a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetDirectory
Get a directory path
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetEnv
Get an environment setting.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetErrorMessageAP
Return the error message text as a string.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetGeodist
Gets a global flag that indicates whether we are running within the geodist library
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetInt
This method returns an int from the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetLicenseClass
Get the current application license class.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetLicensedUser
Get the licensed user name and Company
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetPath
Get a Geosoft path
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetSysInfo
Get system information
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetThreadID
Get the ID the current thread.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetTimer
return the elapsed time since the established time.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetTopErrorAP
Get the error number of the last registered error.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIGetWindowsDir
Get the Windows directory path
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiGetYesNo
Check a YES/NO Setting
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIiGetDotNetGXEntries
Get the list of entry points that this assembly has exposed to Oasis montaj.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIiGlobal
Get a global parameter setting.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiInteractive
Checks to see if you should run interactively.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIiPrompt
Asks the User to enter a string.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIiRegistryGetVal
Get a registry value
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiMakeDir
Create a directory.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiMakeFileReadonly
Set a file's read-only attribute.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiMakeFileWritable
Removes a file's read-only attribute.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiNumErrorsAP
Returns the number of registered errors.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiOLEAutomation
Call OLE Automation designed to be called from Montaj.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiProgState
Return current progress state (On/Off)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRegistryDeleteKey
Delete a registry value
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRegistryDeleteVal
Delete a registry value
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIRelativeFileName
Convert a file name to a relative abbreviated path name
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIReplaceString
Replace "% %" tokens in a string with parameter values
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRun
Run a command line process.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRunGS
Run a GS.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRunGX(String)
Run a GX.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRunGX(IWin32Window, String)
Run a GX.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRunGXEx(String, Int32)
Run a GX.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiRunGXEx(IWin32Window, String, Int32)
Run a GX.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberiRunPDF
Run a PDF.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiScript
Checks to see if we are running inside OMS (script mode)
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiScriptRecord
Checks to see if we are in scripting recording mode
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIsEncryptedString
Checks whether the specified string was encrypted by EncryptString_SYS().
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiShellExecute
MS ShellExecute function
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberIShortPathFileName
Obtains the short path form of a specified input path.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberITempFileExt
Generate a unique file name for this extension in the temp directory.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberITempFileName
Generate a file name for this file in the temp directory.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiTimetoLong
Converts decimal hours to seconds in a day.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberITransferPath
Transfers file path to new file name.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiValidFileName
Check to see if a file name valid
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberiWriteInDir
Can I create files in this directory ?
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLoadParm
Reads parameters from a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberLogScriptRun
This method logs that a script was run
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberProgName
This method allows you to name the current process being displayed by the progress bar. This method has no affect if no progress bar exists.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberProgress
This method allows you to turn on the Progress BAR ON/OFF. Once the progress bar is on, use the UpdateProg method to drive it.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberProgUpdate
This method drives the Progress Bar. It is passed a percentage and will update the bar to reflect that percentage.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberProgUpdateL
Updates progress bar based on count and maxcount.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrDate
Returns the current date in decimal years.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberRegistrySetVal
Set/create a registry value
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberRemoveLineageOutput
Remove an output from the current lineage object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberRemoveLineageParameter
Remove a parameter in the current lineage object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberRemoveLineageSource
Remove a source from the current lineage object
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberResetSettings
Resets the GX_HELP settings in the geosoft.ini file after changes have been made.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberRestoreGeoFile
Backup a Geosoft data file and all associated files to original location
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrFileDate
File creation date in decimal years.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrFileTime
File creation time in decimal hours.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrGetReal
This method returns a real from the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrLongtoDate
Converts a value representing total days elapsed since day 0 of year 0 to a geosoft date. This uses the Numerical Receipies Julian function.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrLongtoTime
Converts seconds to decimal hours.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrMakeDate
Returns the decimal date given the year, month and day.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrSecondstoTime
Converts fractional seconds to decimal hours.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrTime
Returns the current time in decimal hours.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrTimetoSeconds
Converts decimal hours to seconds in a day fractional
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberRunMultiUserScript
Execute a script using multithreaded users
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrUTCDate
Returns the current UTC date in decimal years.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrUTCFileDate
File creation UTC date in decimal years.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrUTCFileTime
File creation UTC time in decimal hours.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberrUTCTime
Returns the current UTC time in decimal hours.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSaveLog
Saves the main log file to another file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSaveParm
Writes out one group (or all groups) to a file.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSavePTMP
Save a temporary copy of the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSendGeneralMessage
Send a general information message to all listners
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetCursor
Set the cursor on the display.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetEnv
Set an environment setting.
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetInfoLine
Display a message on the information line at the left bottom corner of the OAISIS montaj application.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetInt
This method sets an int in the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetInteractive
Sets the interactive mode.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetLineageDescription
Set the description for the current lineage object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetLineageDisplayName
Set the display name for the current lineage object
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetLineageName
Set the name for the current lineage object
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetLoadedMenus
Load a list of menus
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetPattern
Sets pattern parameters in the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetReal
This method Sets a real in the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetREG
Copy contents of a REG to current parameters.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetReturn
Set the return value of a GX.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetServerMessagesAP
Control the server message handling.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetSettingsMETA
Set the settings metadata object.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetString
This method sets a string in the parameter block.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberSetWorkspaceREG
Set the workspace REG;
Public methodMay not be available if running outside of a Oasis Montaj or from a command line programAvailable to anyoneStatic memberShowError
Display any errors to the user.
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberTerminate
DLL error termination
Public methodAvailable to anyoneStatic memberWriteDebugLog
This method writes out information to the output debugging log file (in temp folder) or output window.
See Also