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CST Methods

The CST type exposes the following members.

Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberCreate
This method creates a statistics object which is used to accumulate statistics.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberCreateExact
This method creates a statistics object which stores all values.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseData
Add this value to the statistics object.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseDataVV
Add all the values in this VV to the statistics object.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides CHANDLEDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseGetHistogramBins
Retrieve number of items in each hostogram bin
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseGetHistogramInfo
Retrieve number of bins, min and max value in histogram
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseHistogram
This method prepares ST for recording histogram.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseHistogram2
This method prepares ST for recording histogram.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenserEquivalentPercentile
Return corresponding Percentile for a Value.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenserEquivalentValue
Return corresponding Value for a Percentile
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseReset
Resets the Statistics.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenserGetInfo
This method allows you to retrieve (and compute) the information from the ST object.
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberrGetNormProb
return percent value
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenseStatic memberrGetNormProbX
Return number of sigmas from 50% a given percent is
Public methodAvailable to anyone with an Oasis Montaj licenserNormalTest
Test the "normality" of the histogram distribution
See Also