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CVVSortIndex2 Method
Sort index VV based on 2 data VVs - set orders.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0.2
License: Available to anyone with an Oasis Montaj license.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
Create an Index VV (of type GS_LONG) based on a data VV. This index vv can then be used by the IndexOrder method to order a group of VV's. The individual VVs may be ordered in ascending or descending order. If the primary VV values of two indices are the same, then the secondary VV values are compared. If the secondary values are the same, the ternary values are compared, etc
public void SortIndex2(
	CVV oVV1,
	CVV oVV2,
	int i3,
	int i4


Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetCVV
Secondary Data VV
Type: GeoEngine.Core.GXNetCVV
Index VV of type INT
Type: SystemInt32
Primary Sort order VV_SORTConstant
Type: SystemInt32
Secondary Sort order VV_SORTConstant
See Also