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CTBSetInt Method
Sets an integer value into a table element.

Available since Oasis montaj version: 5.0.0
License: Available to anyone.  

Namespace: GeoEngine.Core.GXNet
Assembly: geoengine.core.gxnet (in geoengine.core.gxnet.dll)
The table field containing the element to be set MUST be of type GS_BYTE, GS_USHORT, GS_SHORT, or GS_LONG. If the field is GS_BYTE, GS_USHORT, or GS_LONG, the new data value will cause an overflow if the value is out of range of the data type. The new element value will then be invalid. If the row of the new element exceeds the number of rows in the table, then the table will AUTOMATICALLY be EXPANDED to exactly as many rows needed to hold the new element. The new element is placed in the proper field of the last row, and all other field elements have invalid data. All fields of the new rows up to the new element's row will also contain invalid data.
public void SetInt(
	int i1,
	int i2,
	int i3


Type: SystemInt32
Row of element to set
Type: SystemInt32
Column of element to set
Type: SystemInt32
Value to set
See Also